1. 趾高气扬管家Carson的旧交前来勒索他,Bates拦着他不让进门,但他硬闯了进来:Uh-uh, uh-uh, uh-uh, don't go all high and mighty with me.别跟我神气活现的,拿腔拿调。2. 手脚不干净Carson指出前来勒索他的这位旧交曾经偷...
Chapter 1On the day Riley was born, Joy found herself inside a strange and beautiful place: Riley's mind. Joy, a glowing collection of yellow ener...
Chapter 2Riley's dad started a new business. Then her parents sold their home in Minnesota, and the family moved to San Francisco. Just like that,...
Chapter 3"WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?!" shouted Fear as he watched Riley and her mother standing at the pizza counter, staring at a slice covered...
Chapter 4The first night in the new house was uncomfor-table and creepy. Without furniture or a bed, Riley had to sleep in a sleeping bag on the floor...
Chapter 5The next morning Joy was bursting with sunshine and positive energy. She played her accordion throughout Headquarters, trying to rouse the re...
Chapter 6Don't worry," said Joy. "I got this." She stepped in and pushed a lever on the console.Riley smiled as she stood up and sp...
Chapter 7BLAM! Joy shot out of the tube and landed in a basket of memories. Sadness fell out next, crashing hard against the ground next to Joy. The c...
Chapter 8Joy and Sadness had finally made it across the bridge to Goofball Island and stepped carefully onto the lightline. Joy looked down into the d...
Chapter 9Joy and Sadness gazed down over the edge of the cliff at the endless drop below. They couldn't believe it: a huge hollow space hung where...