
2007年7月26日 好莱坞电影将"禁烟"

分类: 外贸英语  时间: 2023-12-06 15:02:38 
迪斯尼(Walt Disney)昨日成为首家将逐步在影片中去除吸烟镜头的好莱坞电影制片公司之一。该公司表示,未来迪斯尼品牌的电影中将"不存在"吸烟场景。Walt Disney yesterday became the first Hollywood studio to phase out cigarette smoking in its films, saying smoking scenes in future Disney-branded movies would be "non-existent". 迪斯尼此举是好莱坞对烟草行业的最新打击。几周前,负责电影评级体系的美国电影协会(Motion Picture Association of America)曾表示,在对影片评级时,将把吸烟以及暴力和性等其它因素考虑在内。The Disney move is the latest blow Hollywood has dealt the tobacco industry and comes weeks after the Motion Picture Association of America, responsible for the film ratings system, said it would consider smoking alongside other factors, such as violence or sexual content, when rating a film.

