Chapter 39I landed with a trampoline-like bounce on the half-unrolled tarpaulin covering a lifeboat forty feet below. It was a miracle I didn't hu...
Chapter 38I don't understand. For days the ship had pushed on, bullishly indifferent to its surroundings. The sun shone, rain fell, winds blew, cu...
Chapter 37The ship sank. It made a sound like a monstrous metallic burp. Things bubbled at the surface and then vanished. Everything was screaming: th...
Chapter 36The cities are large and memorably crowded in India, but when you leave them you travel through vast stretches of country where hardly a sou...
Chapter 35We left Madras on June 21st, 1977, on the Panamanian-registered Japanese cargo ship Tsimtsum. Her officers were Japanese, her crew was Taiwa...
Chapter 34Father said, "We'll sail like Columbus!""He was hoping to find India," I pointed out sullenly.We sold the zoo, lock,...
Chapter 33He shows me family memorabilia. Wedding photos first. A Hindu wedding with Canada prominently on the edges. A younger him, a younger her. Th...
Chapter 32There are many examples of animals coming to surprising living arrangements. All are instances of that animal equivalent of anthropomorphism...
Chapter 31They met once, Mr. and Mr. Kumar, the baker and the teacher. The first Mr. Kumar had expressed the wish to see the zoo. "All these year...
Chapter 30He's married. I am bent down, taking my shoes off, when I hear him say, "I would like you to meet my wife." I look up and ther...