

  • 基督山伯爵(The Count of Monte Cristo)第九十一章 母与子

    THE COUNT of Monte Cristo bowed to the five young men with a melancholy and dignified smile, and got into his carriage with Maximilian and Emmanuel. A...

  • 基督山伯爵(The Count of Monte Cristo)第九十二章 自杀

    MEANWHILE Monte Cristo had also returned to town with Emmanuel and Maximilian. Their return was cheerful. Emmanuel did not conceal his joy at the peac...

  • 基督山伯爵(The Count of Monte Cristo)第九十三章 瓦朗蒂娜

    WE MAY easily conceive where Morrel's appointment was. On leaving Monte Cristo he walked slowly towards Villefort's; we say slowly, for Morrel...

  • 基督山伯爵(The Count of Monte Cristo)第九十四章 吐露真情

    AT THE SAME moment M. de Villefort's voice was heard calling from his study, "What is the matter?" Morrel looked at Noirtier who had rec...

  • 基督山伯爵(The Count of Monte Cristo)第九十五章 父与女

    WE SAW in a preceding chapter how Madame Danglars went formally to announce to Madame de Villefort the approaching marriage of Eugénie Danglars...

  • 基督山伯爵(The Count of Monte Cristo)第九十六章 婚约

    THREE DAYS after the scene we have just described, namely towards five o'clock in the afternoon of the day fixed for the signature of the contract...

  • 基督山伯爵(The Count of Monte Cristo)第九十七章 去比利时

    A FEW MINUTES after the scene of confusion produced in the salons of M. Danglars by the unexpected appearance of the brigade of soldiers, and by the d...

  • 基督山伯爵(The Count of Monte Cristo)第九十八章 钟瓶旅馆

    AND NOW let us leave Mademoiselle Danglars and her friend pursuing their way to Brussels, and return to poor Andrea Cavalcanti, so inopportunely inter...

  • 基督山伯爵(The Count of Monte Cristo)第九十九章 法律

    WE HAVE SEEN how quietly Mademoiselle Danglars and Mademoiselle d'Armilly accomplished their transformation and flight; the fact being that every ...

  • 基督山伯爵(The Count of Monte Cristo)第一○○章 显身

    AS THE PROCUREUR had told Madame Danglars, Valentine was not yet recovered. Bowed down with fatigue, she was indeed confined to her bed; and it was in...

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