

分类: 影视英语 


Celine: I'm gonna call my friend in Paris who I'm supposed to have lunch with in eight hours. Ok?

Jesse: Ok.

Celine: Pick up. Pick up the phone.

Jesse: All right. Hello. I've been working on my English. You wanna talk in English, for laughs?

Celine: Yeah, okay. That's a good idea. I don't think I'll be able to make it for lunch today. I'm sorry. I met a guy on the train, and I got off with him in Vienna.

Jesse: Are you crazy?

Celine: Probably.

Jesse: He's Austrian? He's from there?

Celine: No, No. He's passing through. He's American. He's going back home tomorrow.

Jesse: Why'd you get off?

Celine: Well, he convinced me. I mean, actually, I was ready to get off the train with him after talking to him a short while. He was so sweet, I couldn't help it. In the lounge car, he began to talk about him as a boy seeing his great-grandmother's ghost. I think that's when I fell for him. Just the idea of this little boy with all those beautiful dreams. He trapped me. And he's so cute. He has beautiful blue eyes, nice pink lips, greasy hair. I love it. He's kind of tall, and he's a little clumsy. I like to feel his eyes on me when I look away. He kind of kisses like an adolescent. It's so cute.

Jesse: What?

Celine: Yeah, we kissed. It was so adorable. As the night went on, I began to like him more and more. I'm afraid he's scared of me. I told him the story about the woman that kills her ex-boyfriend. He must be scared to death. He must be thinking I'm this manipulative, mean woman. I just hope he doesn't feel that way about me. Because, you know me, I'm the most harmless person. The only person I could really hurt is myself.

Jesse: I don't think he's scared of you. I think he's crazy about you.

Celine: Really?

Jesse: I've known you a long time. I got a good feeling. You gonna see him again?

Celine: We haven't talked about that yet. Okay, it's your turn. You call your friend.

Jesse: All right, all right. I usually get this guy's answering machine.

Celine: Hi, dude. What's up?

Jesse: Hey, Frank. How you been? I'm glad you're home.

Celine: Cool. Yeah. So how was Madrid?

Jesse: Madrid sucked. Lisa and I had our long overdue meltdown.

Celine: Too bad. I told you, no?

Celine: Yeah, yeah. The long-distance thing just never works.

Jesse: I was only in Madrid for a couple days. I got a cheaper flight out of Vienna. You know, it really wasn't that much cheaper. I just, I couldn't go home right away. I didn't want to see anybody I knew. I just wanted to be a ghost, completely anonymous.

Celine: So are you okay now?

Jesse: Yeah. I'm great. I'm great. That's the thing. I'm rapturous. And I'll tell you why. I met somebody on my last night in Europe.

Celine: That's incredible.

Jesse: I know, I know. You know how they say we're all each other's demons and angels? Well, she was literally a Botticelli angel telling me everything would be okay.

Celine: How did you meet?

Jesse: On the train. She was sitting next to a weird couple that was fighting so she moved. She sat right across the aisle from me. So we started to talk. She didn't like me much at first. She's super smart, very passionate, and beautiful. And I was so unsure of myself. I thought everything I said sounded so stupid.

妙语佳句 活学活用

1. Pick up the phone: 拿起电话,接起电话

2. for laughs: 美国俚语,为了取乐,当作消遣,用来开心

The old ladies played for small stakes just for laughs.(老太太们下小赌注赌钱只是为了取乐。)

3. lounge car: (列车上供应点心的)休闲车厢

4. fall for: 迷恋,爱上

fall for也可以表示信以为真,例如:He must have been pretty gullible to fall for that old trick.(他准是有点儿傻,才落入那惯用的圈套。)

5. greasy: 油腻的

6. clumsy: 笨拙的

My clumsy answer hurt her feelings.(我笨拙的回答伤了她的感情。)

7. manipulative: 巧妙处理的;操纵的

He's extremely manipulative, so don't let him persuade you.(别听他的,他这个人很会摆布人。)

8. answering machine: 录音电话

9. Botticelli: 波提切利,佛罗伦萨画派的意大利画家。

