Taylor Swift has shown her generous side again, donating money to a fan whose mother is sick.霉霉又一次展示了她的慷慨大方,捐钱给粉丝患病的母亲。Over the weekend the singer gav...
Chendu in China is planning to launch an ‘artificial moon’ that will light up the skies as far as 50 miles around.中国成都计划发射一颗“人造月亮”,它将照亮周边50英里的天空。The s...
Mistake 1. Washing your face more than once a day will lead to wrinkles错误 1.一天洗脸超过一次会长皱纹Any dermatologist will tell you the importance of washing your...
在学英语的时候,你是不是经常会被告知要这样做:想学好英语(尤其是口语),你就一定要多和native English speakers(英语母语的人) 沟通。这个观点受到了很多英语学习者的追捧,甚至都要赶超“出国留学”的观念了!那么这个观点正确吗?和什么样的native speakers交流,才能提高...
Meghan Markle has been praised for giving a 'powerfu'” speech on feminism and women's suffrage in New Zealand on 125th anniversary of wome...
The next Martin Scorsese and Leonardo DiCaprio collaboration will begin shooting next Summer.下一部马丁·斯科塞斯和莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥合作的电影将于明年夏天开拍。Titled Killers of the ...
Efforts to preserve nature are way off what is required, a report has warned.一份报告警示道,我们还需要付出更多的努力来保护环境。Populations of mammals, birds, reptiles , amphi...
Why do most Americans take a shower after they wake up in the morning?为什么大多数美国人早上醒来之后要去洗个澡?I'm Chinese. What I know is that nearly all Chinese peo...
随着越来越多的大公司有意制造大麻饮料,百事公司(PepsiCo)也加入了这一行列,表示出对大麻饮料(drinks with cannabis)的兴趣。这家碳酸饮料和休闲食品巨头的首席财务官休·约翰斯顿(Hugh Johnston)接受了CNBC的采访,并承认公司对这一领域感兴趣。“We will l...
上学的时候,英语老师经常和我们说“听英文歌能学英语”。我就跑去吭哧吭哧地听。然鹅,并没有什么用。长大后,我才发现当初是自己用错了方法。我之前选得那些歌都不适合学英语...Before getting started you need to select the songs you will lear...