Their romance has gone from strength since sparks first flew back in May 2017.自2017年5月这对情侣之间的火花变得愈发强烈。Taylor Swift was every inch the supportive girlf...
She topped the list as the highest paid model in the world, after dethroning Gisele Bündchen.在超过吉赛尔·邦辰之后,她成为世界上收入最高的模特。And Kendall Jenner has retained...
是的,根据现在的市场数据,优衣库的秋衣秋裤销量比它的竞争对手高多了。随着日本的天气转冷,全国的服装店都开始展示保暖服装以备过冬,这其中当然就包括优衣库。Uniqlo stocks a dizzying array of casual winter wear that will keep wearer...
What are some reasons people are single?大家单身的原因是什么? 获得3.3k好评的答案@Brandon SmietanaWomen are not as beautiful as mathematics.女人还没有数学运算来的好看。 获得628好评的答案@Ri...
Kensington Palace has denied a report that Kate Middleton was angry with Meghan Markle over how she treated Kate's staff, PEOPLE confirms.传言称凯特对梅根...
Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, which aired yesterday, had its lowest ratings ever. It was seen by 3.3 million viewers, down from 5 million last y...
The avocado has become a staple ingredient on the plates of brunch aficionados galore, with photos of the superfood permeating Instagram on a daily ba...
今年美国的中期选举让所有的美国人都紧张兮兮的,而可口可乐和百事可乐也同样紧张,因为今年的选举里有个事情对他们来说关系重大。那就是对这些糖水征税的事情。整件事的背景是这样的:As heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, and obesity escalate into ful...
They're the most divisive shoe of the 21st century, but one business is making a new use for Crocs.21世纪最具争议拖鞋非卡骆驰拖鞋莫属,但是有商家正在将Crocs用于新的用途了Amazon s...