
上海市工会条例 Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on The T

分类: 法律英语 
(1995年2月8日上海市第十届人民代表大会常务委员会第十六次会议通过 根据1997年5月27日上海市第十届人民代表大会常务委员会第三十六次会议《关于修改〈上海市工会条例〉的决定》第一次修正 根据2002年9月24日上海市第十一届人民代表大会常务委员会第四十三次会议《关于修改〈上海市工会条例〉的决定》第二次修正)

第一章 总则

第一条 为了保障工会在国家政治、经济和社会生活中的地位,确定工会的权利和义务,发挥工会在社会主义现代化建设事业中的作用,根据《中华人民共和国宪法》、《中华人民共和国工会法》以及其他有关法律、法规,结合本市的实际情况,制定本条 例。

第二条 在本市行政区域内的企业、事业单位、机关和工会均应当遵守本条 例。

本市设置在外省市的企业、事业单位在处理与本单位工会的关系以及与上级工会关系时,也应当遵守本条 例。

第三条 工会是在中国共产党领导下职工自愿结合的工人阶级的群众组织,是党联系职工群众的桥梁和纽带,是国家政权的重要的社会支柱,是职工合法权益的代表者和维护者。

第四条 工会必须遵守宪法和法律,支持改革开放和社会主义现代化建设,依照中国工会章程独立自主地开展工作,具有下列职责:





第五条 工会通过平等协商和集体合同制度,协调劳动关系,维护企业职工劳动权益。


第六条 工会必须密切联系职工,听取和反映职工的意见和要求,关心职工的生活,帮助职工解决困难,全心全意为职工服务。

第七条 工会的合法权益受法律保护,任何企业、事业单位、机关和个人不得侵害。

第二章 工会组织

第八条 企业、事业单位、机关中以工资收入为主要生活来源的体力劳动者和脑力劳动者,均有依法参加和组织工会的权利,并有退出工会的自由。

第九条 工会各级组织按照民主集中制原则建立。








第十条 企业、事业单位在筹建的同时应当支持职工筹建工会。


上级工会应当帮助、指导未建立工会的企业、事业单位的职工组建工会,企业、事业单位应当予以支持,并提供必要的条 件。

第十一条 任何单位和个人不得阻挠职工依法组建工会,不得随意撤销、合并工会组织,不得将工会的办事机构归属于其他工作部门。


第十二条 基层工会组织所在的企业终止,或者所在的事业单位、机关被撤销,该工会组织相应撤销,并报上一级工会备案。

第十三条 工会委员会和经费审查委员会由会员大会或者会员代表大会选举产生。企业主要负责人的近亲属不得作为本企业基层工会委员会成员的人选。




第十四条 工会主席、副主席由会员大会或者会员代表大会选举产生,也可以由工会委员会选举产生,实行任期制。

第十五条 市和区、县总工会,市产业工会,具有社会团体法人资格。

依法建立的街道、乡、镇工会,区、县产业工会和基层工会具备下列条 件,并报区、县总工会或者市产业工会核准后,取得社会团体法人资格:






第三章 工会的权利和义务

第十六条 各级人民政府可以召开会议或者采取其他适当方式,向同级工会通报政府的重要工作部署和与工会工作有关的行政措施,研究解决工会反映的职工群众的意见和要求。



第十七条 市和区、县人民政府制定国民经济和社会发展计划,市人民政府研究起草涉及职工切身利益的重大问题的法规、规章时,应当听取同级工会的意见。



第十八条 国有企业、国有控股企业、集体企业以及事业单位的职工代表大会(职工大会)是企业、事业单位实行民主管理的基本形式,是职工行使民主管理权力的机构,依照法律、法规以及国家和本市的其他有关规定审议、通过、决定企业事业单位的重大决策事项和涉及职工切身利益的事项。



第十九条 企业、事业单位研究经营管理和发展的重大问题应当听取工会的意见;召开讨论有关工资、福利、劳动安全卫生、社会保险等涉及职工切身利益的会议,必须有工会代表参加。

第二十条 企业设立监事会的,工会的代表应当作为监事会成员候选人。




第二十一条 工会代表职工与企业、实行企业化管理的事业单位通过平等协商,就劳动报酬、工作时间、休息休假、劳动安全卫生、保险福利以及其他事项,依法签订集体合同;也可以专门就工资事项,依法签订工资协议。集体合同草案、工资协议草案应当提交职工代表大会或者全体职工讨论通过,并依照有关规定报送劳动行政部门和上一级工会。




第二十二条 企业、事业单位起草劳动合同文本时,应当征求本单位工会的意见。



第二十三条 企业、事业单位处分职工,工会认为有法律依据不足、事实理由不充分、处分不当或者超过法定处理权限等情形的,有权提出意见。


第二十四条 企业依法建立劳动争议调解委员会。劳动争议调解委员会主任由工会代表担任,办事机构设在工会。




第二十五条  企业、事业单位违反劳动法律、法规规定,有下列侵犯职工劳动权益情形,工会应当代表职工与企业、事业单位交涉,要求企业、事业单位采取措施予以改正;企业、事业单位应当予以研究处理,并向工会作出答复;企业、事业单位拒不改正的,工会可以请求当地人民政府依法作出处理:


(二)不提供劳动安全卫生条 件,或者劳动安全卫生设施和条 件不符合国家规定的;




第二十六条  工会依照国家规定对新建、扩建企业和技术改造工程中的劳动条 件和安全卫生设施与主体工程同时设计、同时施工、同时投产使用进行监督。对工会提出的意见,企业或者主管部门应当认真处理,并将处理结果书面通知工会。

第二十七条  工会发现企业、事业单位的经营、管理者违章指挥,强令职工冒险作业,或者在生产过程中有明显重大事故隐患和职业危害的,有权提出建议,企业、事业单位应当及时予以答复和解决;发现危及职工生命安全的情况时,工会有权向企业、事业单位建议组织职工撤离危险现场,企业、事业单位必须及时作出处理决定。


第二十八条  工会有权到企业、事业单位的生产、工作、营业等场所调查和监督劳动法律、法规的执行情况,有关方面应当予以支持。



第二十九条 工会参与监督社会保险基金的管理、使用和职工最低工资、最低生活保障线的实施。


第三十条 企业、事业单位有关人员非法扣留职工居民身份证等合法证件和对职工非法搜身、拘禁以及侮辱人格、体罚、殴打等侵害职工合法权益的,工会有权制止并应当提出处理建议。负责处理的部门应当在三十日内将处理意见告知工会。

第三十一条 企业、事业单位发生停工、怠工事件,本单位工会应当立即向上级工会报告,并应当代表职工同企业、事业单位或者有关方面协商,反映职工的意见和要求,提出解决意见;协商不成的,上级工会应当及时与劳动行政部门、单位的主管部门等到事发单位了解情况,共同协商,妥善处理。


第三十二条 职工合法权益受到侵害的,工会应当支持职工依法提出申诉、申请仲裁、提起诉讼,并提供法律帮助。

第三十三条 工会应当支持企业、事业单位的经营、管理者依法进行生产、经营活动和科学管理,会同企业、事业单位教育职工以国家主人翁态度对待劳动,爱护国家和企业的财产,组织职工开展群众性的合理化建议、技术革新活动,进行业余文化技术学习和职工培训,组织职工开展文娱、体育活动。

第三十四条 工会协助企业、事业单位、机关组织职工参加疗养、休养活动,办好职工集体福利事业,做好社会保险工作。

第三十五条 根据政府委托,工会与有关部门共同做好劳动模范和先进生产(工作)者的评选、表彰、培养和管理工作,宣传他们的事迹,关心他们的工作和生活。

第三十六条 工会协助人民政府和有关单位做好离退休人员的工作,关心他们的生活,维护他们的合法权益。

第四章 工会的人员和财产

第三十七条 市和区、县总工会的专职工作人员的编制,由市总工会与市和区、县编制管理部门协商确定。产业工会和街道、乡镇等工会专职工作人员的编制,由其上一级工会与有关方面协商确定。


第三十八条 工会主席、副主席、委员任期未满的,不得随意调动其工会工作岗位或者劳动合同约定的岗位,因工作需要调动的,应当事先征得本单位工会委员会的同意;工会主席、副主席的调动,还应当征得上一级工会的同意。





第三十九条 基层工会工作人员的劳动报酬和其他福利待遇由其所在单位承担。



第四十条 基层工会委员会需要占用生产(工作)时间召开会议或者开展活动的,应当事先与所在单位的主管人员商定。


第四十一条 建立工会的企业、事业单位、机关应当于每月十五日前按照上月全部职工工资总额的百分之二向工会拨缴当月的工会经费。工资总额按国家统计局的规定计算。成立工会筹备组织的企业、事业单位、机关,应当自成立工会筹备组织之日起按前款规定向工会拨缴工会经费。


第四十二条 工会应当根据经费独立原则,建立预算、决算和经费审查监督制度。




第四十三条 各级人民政府和企业、事业单位、机关,应当为同级工会提供必要的办公场所和设施。

第五章 法律责任

第四十四条 工会对违反本条 例规定侵犯其合法权益的,有权提请人民政府或者有关部门予以处理,或者向人民法院提起诉讼。

第四十五条 违反本条 例规定,阻挠职工依法参加和组织工会或者阻挠上级工会帮助、指导职工筹建工会的,由劳动行政部门责令其改正;拒不改正的,由劳动行政部门提请市或者区县人民政府处理;以暴力、威胁等手段阻挠造成严重后果,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

第四十六条 违反本条 例规定,随意调动工会主席、副主席、委员的工会工作岗位或者劳动合同约定的岗位以及工会筹建负责人工作的,本单位工会或者上级工会可以向劳动行政部门提出,由劳动行政部门责令改正、恢复原工作;造成损失的,给予赔偿。


对依法履行职责的工会工作人员进行侮辱、诽谤或者进行人身伤害,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;尚未构成犯罪的,由公安机关依照治安管理处罚条 例的规定处罚。

第四十七条 违反本条 例规定,有下列情形之一的,由劳动行政部门责令恢复其工作,并补发被解除劳动合同期间应得的报酬;职工、工会工作人员不愿恢复工作的,由劳动行政部门责令给予本人年收入二倍的赔偿,并依照解除劳动合同的规定给予经济补偿:


(二)工会工作人员因履行本条 例规定的职责而被解除劳动合同的。

第四十八条 违反本条 例规定,有下列情形之一的,由市或者区县人民政府责令改正,依法处理:





第四十九条 侵占、挪用或者任意调拨工会财产、经费拒不返还的,工会可以向人民法院提起诉讼,要求返还,并赔偿损失。

第五十条 违反本条 例规定,不按照中国工会章程组建,以工会名义开展活动,或者替代工会行使职权的组织,由社会团体登记管理部门依法取缔。

第五十一条 企业、事业单位和机关逾期未缴或者少缴工会经费的,工会应当向其发出催缴通知书,限期缴纳;逾期仍未缴纳的,基层工会或者上级工会可以依法向人民法院申请支付令;拒不执行支付令的,工会可以依法申请人民法院强制执行。

第五十二条 工会工作人员违反本条 例规定,损害职工或者工会权益的,由同级工会或者上级工会责令改正,或者予以处分;情节严重的,依照《中国工会章程》予以罢免;造成损失的,应当承担赔偿责任;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

第六章 附则

第五十三条 本条例自1995年5月1日起施行。

Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on The Trade Union

(Adopted at the 16th Session of the Standing Committee of the 10th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress on February 8, 1995 Amended for the First Time in Accordance with the"Decisions on the Amendment of the'Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on the Trade Union'"Made by the 36th Session of the Standing Committee of the 10th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress on May 27, 1997 Amended for the Second Time in Accordance with the"Decisions on the Amendment of the'Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on the Trade Union'"Made by the 43rd Session of the Standing Committee of the 11th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress on September 24, 2002)

Chapter I General Provisions

Article 1For the purpose of ensuring the position of the trade union in the state politics, economy and social life, defining the rights and duties of the trade union, and bringing the trade union into play in the cause of the construction of the socialist modernization, these Regulations have been formulated in accordance with the"Constitutions of the People's Republic of China", the"Trade Union Law of the People's Republic of China"and other relevant laws and regulations and in the light of the actual circumstances of the Municipality.

Article 2The enterprises, institutions, organs and trade unions in the administrative areas of the Municipality shall abide by these Regulations.The enterprises and institutions of the Municipality stationed in other provinces and Municipalities shall also abide by these Regulations in handling the relationship with the trade union of their own units or with the trade union at a higher level.

Article 3The trade union is the mass organization of the working class voluntarily organized under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the bridge and link through which the Party keeps in touch with the staff and workers, the important social pillar of the state power, and the representative and the protector of the legitimate rights and interests of the staff and workers.

Article 4The trade union shall abide by the Constitutions and the laws, support the reform and opening up and the construction of the socialist modernization, independently and initiatively carry out its work according to the"Constitution of the Chinese Trade Union". The trade union bears the following responsibilities:

(1) The basic duty of the trade union is to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the staff and workers. The trade union shall, in the process of upholding the overall interests of the state, represent and uphold the legitimate rights and interests of the staff and workers.

(2) Organize and educate the staff and workers to exercise the democratic rights according to law, participate in the administration of the state affairs, economic and cultural undertakings and social affairs, assist the people's government to carry out the work, and uphold the socialist state power.

(3) Mobilize the staff and workers to actively participate in the construction of socialist spiritual civilization, educate them to raise their qualities in ideology and morality, technique and profession, and science and culture, and establish a team of staff and workers with ideal, morality, education, and discipline.

(4) Mobilize and organize the staff and workers to actively participate in the construction of socialist economy, and work hard to fulfill the tasks of production and profession.

Article 5The trade union shall, through consultation on the basis of equality and the system of collective contracts, coordinate the labor relationship and uphold the labor rights and interests of the staff and workers in the enterprise.The trade union shall, in accordance with laws and regulations and by means of the conference of representatives of the staff and workers or other forms, organize the staff and workers to participate in the democratic decision making, democratic management and democratic supervision of their own unit.

Article 6The trade union shall keep close contact with the staff and workers, listen to and reflect their opinions and demands, take care of their living, help the staff and workers to solve difficulties and serve them heart and soul.

Article 7The legitimate rights and interests of the trade union shall be protected by law, and shall not be infringed upon by any enterprises, institutions, organs or individual persons.

Chapter II The Trade Union Organization

Article 8All physical and mental laborers in enterprises, institutions or organs who have salary income as the main source of living have the right to join the trade union organization, and the liberty to quit the trade union according to law.

Article 9The organizations of the trade union at all levels shall be established according to the principle of democratic centralism.The Municipality and district/county shall establish the local federation of trade unions.The same industry or industries of similar nature may establish the municipal or district/county industrial trade union.The sub-district, township and town shall establish the regional trade union.Federation of trade unions at grass-roots level may be established in the regions of economic development zones, and industry (science and technology) park areas, etc., with a higher concentration of enterprises.Enterprises, institutions and organs with trade union members of over 25 persons shall establish the grass-roots trade union committee. In case of units with less than 25 members, they may separately establish the grass-roots trade union committee, or may jointly establish the committee by the members in more than 2 units, or may elect one organizer to organize the members to carry out activities.The establishment of a trade union organization shall be reported to the trade union at a higher level for approval.Any organizations that are not organized and established according to the"Constitutions of the Chinese Trade Union"are not allowed to carry out activities in the name of the trade union, nor to replace the trade union to exercise its functions and powers.

Article 10The enterprise or the institution shall, simultaneously in the preparation of its establishment, support the staff and workers to prepare the establishment of the trade union.The enterprise or the institution that has opened its business but not yet established the trade union shall, within 6 months upon the date of business, support and help the staff and workers to establish the trade union.The trade union at a higher level shall help and guide the staff and workers in the enterprise or the institution that has not yet established the trade union to organize and establish the trade union, while the enterprise or the institution shall give support and provide necessary conditions.

Article 11No unit or individual person shall obstruct the staff and workers to organize and established the trade union according to law, cancel or merge the trade union organizations arbitrarily, and place the working body of the trade union in other departments.The relevant department shall actively support, cooperate with the trade union organization of the higher level, and guide the staff and workers in those enterprises or institutions that have not yet established the trade union organization to establish the trade union, and shall, according to law, correct the unlawful acts that obstruct the organization and establishment of the trade union.

Article 12With the termination of the enterprise, or the cancellation of the institution or organ to which the grass-roots trade union belong, that trade union shall be cancelled correspondingly, and be reported to the trade union of a higher level for the record.

Article 13The trade union committee and the auditing board of funds shall be elected by the conference of the members or the conference of the representatives of the members. The close relative of the major responsible person(s) of the enterprise shall not be the candidate for the member of the grass-roots trade union committee in the enterprise he/she works in.The trade union at all levels shall establish the committee of women staff members and women workers, and in case of less than 25 women members, a women's committee member shall be elected.The municipal and district/county federation of trade unions, the municipal industrial trade union, the sub-district and township and town trade union may establish organizations of legal service to serve the staff and workers.Trade unions at all levels may establish supervision organization of labor law under the trade union.

Article 14The chairman and the deputy chairman (men) shall be elected by the conference of the members or the conference of the representatives of the members, or may also be elected by the trade union committee, and the system of term of office shall be adopted.

Article 15The municipal, district/county federation of trade unions and the municipal industrial trade unions have the status of the legal person of the mass organization.The legally established sub-district, township and town trade unions, district/county industrial trade unions and grass-roots trade unions shall, satisfying the following conditions and with the approval of the district/county federation of trade unions or the municipal industrial trade union, acquire the status of the legal person of the mass organization:

(1) The trade union committee has been established;

(2) With necessary property or funds;

(3) With its own name and office; and

(4) With the capacity of bearing civil liabilities independently.In case of the trade union with legally possessed or acquired status of the legal person of the mass organization, its chairman is the legal representative.

Chapter III The Rights and Duties of the Trade Union

Article 16The people's government at all levels may call meetings or adopt other proper means to inform the trade unions at the same level of the planning of important work of the government and the administrative measures relevant to the trade union work, study and find a solution for the opinions and demands of the staff and workers reflected by the trade union.The labor administrative department under the people's government at all levels shall, jointly with the trade unions at the same level and the representatives from enterprises, establish a three-party consultation mechanism of the labor relationship, and jointly study and settle important issues concerning the labor relationship.The sub-district office and the department in charge of labor administration in the locality of economic development zones and industry (science and technology) park areas may, jointly with the trade union organization under the sub-district or the economic development zone or the industry (science and technology) park area and the representatives from the enterprises, establish a three-party consultation mechanism of the labor relationship, and jointly study and settle important issues concerning the labor relationship in the locality.

Article 17When the municipal and district/county people's governments formulate the plans on national economy and social development, and when the Municipal People's Government studies and drafts laws, rules and regulations on important issues concerning the immediate interests of the staff and workers, they shall solicit the opinions of the trade union at the same level.The municipal and district/county people's government and relevant departments shall, when studying and formulating important policies and measures on the employment, salary and wage, price, production safety, welfare benefit, and social insurance etc., or establishing the social supervision organizations concerning the above mentioned affairs, invite the trade union at the same level to participate and solicit the opinions of the trade union at the same level.The municipal and district/county federation of trade unions may investigate and analyze the problems of employment, labor payment, price, production safety, welfare benefits, social insurance and actual situations of the team of the staff and workers, etc., and give its opinions and proposals to the people's government.

Article 18The conference of the representatives of the staff and workers (the conference of the staff and workers) in the state-owned enterprises, the state-owned holding enterprises, the collectively- owned enterprises and the institutions is the basic form of exercising democratic management of the enterprises or the institutions; and is the organization for the staff and workers to exercise the right of democratic management, and to examine, approve and decide the important issues of decision-making and affairs involving the immediate interests of the staff and workers in accordance with laws, rules and other relevant regulations of the State and the Municipality.The trade union committee in the state-owned enterprises, the state-owned holding enterprises and the institutions is the working organization of the conference of representatives of the staff and workers (conference of the staff and workers) responsible for the routine work of the conference of representatives of the staff and workers (the conference of the staff and workers), inspecting and urging the implementation of the decisions made by the conference of representatives of the staff and workers (the conference of the staff and workers). The trade union committee in the collectively-owned enterprises shall support and organize the staff and workers to participate in the democratic management and the democratic supervision. The trade union committees in the other enterprises and institutions shall, in accordance with laws and regulations, organize the staff and workers to adopt the forms suitable to their own units to participate in the democratic management.In case that the enterprise or the institution violates the system of the conference of representatives of the staff and workers (the conference of the staff and workers) or other systems of democratic management, the trade union has the right to demand a correction.

Article 19When studying important issues concerning the operational management and development, the enterprise or the institution shall solicit the opinions of the trade union. And the meeting that are called to discuss matters concerning the immediate interests of the staff and workers such as salary and wage, welfare, labor safety and hygiene and social insurance, etc. shall be attended by the representatives from the trade union.

Article 20In case of establishing a board of supervision in the enterprise, the representative from the trade union shall be the candidate for the member of the board of supervision.In case there is no representative from the trade union in the board of directors of the enterprise, the board of directors shall, when studying and deciding issues concerning the immediate interests of the staff and workers such as labor payment, welfare benefits, safety production and labor protection, social insurance, etc., solicit the opinions of the trade union in advance, and invite the representatives from the trade union to attend the meeting as an observer.When studying and deciding important issues of production and management, and formulating important rules and regulations, the board of directors shall solicit the opinions of the trade union, and obtain cooperation from the trade union.The expenses for the observation of the representatives from the trade union to the board meeting shall be listed in accordance with the channel of funds of the members of the board of directors.

Article 21On behalf of the staff and workers, the trade union shall, according to law, sign collective contracts concerning labor payment, working hours, holidays and vacations, labor safety and hygiene, insurance and welfare and other matters with the enterprise or the institution operated by means of enterprise-oriented management through consultation on the basis of equality; and may separately sign agreement on matters of salary and wage according to law. The draft of the collective contracts and the draft of the salary and wage agreement shall be submitted to the conference of representatives of the staff and workers or the whole body of the employees for discussion and approval, and be submitted to the labor administrative department and the trade union of a higher level according to relevant provisions.The industrial trade union or the federation of trade unions in the areas with a higher concentration of enterprises such as the economic development zones, and industry (science and technology) park areas may, on behalf of the staff and workers, sign collective contracts according to law with the representatives from the respective enterprises through consultation on the basis of equality.In case that a signature or an alteration of the collective contract is proposed by the trade union, the enterprise or the institution operated by means of enterprise-oriented management shall, according to relevant regulations, consult on the basis of equality with the trade union upon receiving the notice in writing. In case that the enterprise or the institution operated by means of enterprise-oriented management refuses a consultation on the basis of equality without proper reasons, or in case of a failure in the consultation for settlement due to a dispute over the signature of the collective contract, the trade union may apply to the labor administrative department of the local government for a coordination in the settlement according to law.In case of a dispute over the performance of the collective contract and a failure in the consultation for settlement, the trade union may apply to the labor dispute arbitration committee for arbitration. If the case is refused by the arbitration organization, or if the arbitration award is not acceptable, the trade union may bring a lawsuit in a people's court according to law.

Article 22The enterprise or the institution shall, when drafting the text of labor contract, solicit the opinions of its own trade union.The trade union shall guide the staff and workers in their signing the labor contract, and supervise the performance of the labor contract according to law.In case of finding that the enterprise or the institution does not sign labor contracts with the staff and workers, the trade union shall have the right to demand a correction, or suggest that the relevant government department handle the case according to law.

Article 23In case that the enterprise or the institution imposes a punishment on an employee, but the trade union believes there is insufficiency of legal proofs, insufficiency of facts and reasons, improper punishment or overstepping the legal right of punishment, etc. the trade union shall have the right to state its own opinion.When an enterprise unilaterally discharges the employee's contract, the enterprise shall at the same time inform the trade union of the reasons. If the trade union thinks that the enterprise violates laws, regulations or breaches relevant contracts, and thus demands a re-consideration, the enterprise shall consider the trade union's opinion, and inform the trade union of the result in writing.

Article 24The enterprise shall, according to law, establish a mediation committee of labor dispute. The chairman of the mediation committee of labor dispute shall be the representative from the trade union, and its working body shall be established in the trade union.The district/county federation of trade unions, the municipal industrial trade unions, and the sub-district or township and town trade unions may, jointly with the representatives from relevant parties, establish the mediation organizations of labor dispute.The party(ies) to a labor dispute may apply to the mediation committee of his/her own unit for a mediation, or may apply to the mediation organization of labor dispute mentioned in the preceding clause for a mediation.The mediation committee of labor dispute established by the government shall have member(s) from the representative(s) of the trade union at the same level.

Article 25In case that the enterprise or the institution violates labor laws and regulations with following situations that infringe upon the labor rights and interests of the staff and workers, the trade union shall, on behalf of staff and workers, negotiate with the enterprise or the institution, and demand the enterprise or the institution to take measure for a correction. The enterprise or the institution shall study and deal with the case, and make a reply to the trade union. In case that the enterprise or the institution refuses to correct, the trade union may apply to the local people's government for a settlement according to law:

(1) Deduct, or delay without reason the payment of the employees'salary or wage;

(2) Do not provide safety and hygienic conditions of labor, or the safety and hygienic facilities and conditions of labor do not meet the requirements of the State;

(3) Prolong the working hours at will, or does not pay for the over-time according to provisions;

(4) Infringe upon the special rights and interests of female employees and employees under the legal age; and

(5) Other cases that seriously infringe upon the labor rights and interests of the employees.

Article 26The trade union shall, in accordance with the provisions of the State, exercise supervision over the simultaneous designing, construction, going into production and use of the labor conditions and safety and hygienic facilities of the newly-built or extended enterprises or the technical reform projects with the principal part of the project. The enterprise or the competent department shall seriously deal with the opinions raised by the trade union, and inform the trade union of the result in writing.

Article 27In case of finding the operator or the manager of the enterprise or the institution commands in violation of rules, forces the employees to run risks in the operation, or obviously and seriously hidden dangers or occupational hazards in the process of production, the trade union has the right to make proposals, and the enterprise or the institution shall give reply and solution in time. In case of finding situations that threaten the safety of the employees'lives, the trade union has the right to advise that the enterprise or the institution should organize its employees to withdraw from the dangerous spot, and the enterprise or the institution shall make decisions and act in time.The investigation and handling of industrial death and injury accidents of the employees and other problems that seriously damage the health of the employees shall be attended by the trade union. The trade union shall give its opinions on the handling of the case to the relevant department(s), and has the right to investigate and affix the liability to the directly responsible person(s) in charge and relevant responsible person(s). The opinions given by the trade union shall be studied and replied in time.

Article 28The trade union has the right to go to the sites of production, working and business of the enterprise or the institution for investigation, and to supervise the situation concerning the implementation of labor laws and regulations. The relevant departments shall offer their support.When the trade union investigates a case in which the enterprise or the institution infringes upon the legitimate rights and interests of the staff and workers, the unit concerned shall offer assistance, give the facts, provide relevant materials, and shall not obstruct or refuse the investigation.The trade union shall, in the investigation, keep the business secrets of the enterprise or the institution in accordance with law.

Article 29The trade union shall participate in the supervision of the management and the use of the social insurance fund, and the implementation of the minimum salary and the margin of minimum subsistence guarantee.The trade union has the right to urge the enterprises, the institutions and the organs to pay social insurance funds such as the pension, medical care, industrial injury, unemployment and child bearing, etc.

Article 30In case that the relevant personnel of the enterprise or the institution illegally detains the employees'legal certificates like the resident identification card, etc., does other acts that infringe upon the employees'legitimate rights and interests such as illegal body search, detention, and personal insult, corporal punishment or beating etc., the trade union has the right to stop, and shall give proposals on handling of the case. The department responsible for the handling of the case shall inform the trade union of its opinion of the handling within 30 days.

Article 31In case of events like a stop of work or a slow down that happen in an enterprise or institution, the trade union of the unit shall immediately report to the trade union of a higher level, and consult on behalf of the employees with the enterprise, the institution or the relevant part(ies), reflect the employees'opinions and demands, and propose opinions for settlement. In case of a failure in the consultation, the trade union of a higher level shall, jointly with the labor administrative department and the competent department of the unit, go to the unit where the event(s) occur(s) to investigate the matter, and consult jointly for an appropriate handling.The enterprise or the institution shall satisfy the reasonable demands raised by the employees, and the trade union shall assist the enterprise or the institution to resume the production and restore the working order as soon as possible.

Article 32In case of an infringement upon the legitimate rights and interests of the staff and workers, the trade union shall support them to appeal, apply for arbitration, bring lawsuit, and provide legal assistance.

Article 33The trade union shall support the operators or the managers of the enterprise or the institution to perform production and business activities and scientific management, and shall, jointly with the enterprise or the institution, educate the staff and workers to do the job with the awareness of being the masters of the country, take good care of the State or the enterprise property, organize the mass participation of the staff and workers in the activities of rationalization proposals and technical innovations, conduct spare time cultural and technical studies and training, and organize the staff and workers to participate in recreational and sports activities.

Article 34The trade union shall assist the enterprise, the institution and the organ to organize the staff and workers to take part in activities of convalescence and recuperation, operate the collective welfare business for the staff and workers, and do a good job of the social insurance.

Article 35With the authorization of the government, the trade union shall, jointly with relevant departments, do a good job in the appraising and choosing, commendation, cultivation and administration of the model workers and the advanced workers, give publicity to their deeds, and be concerned about their work and living.

Article 36The trade union shall assist the people's government and relevant units to do a good job in the work of the retired (retired on merit) personnel, and be concerned with their living and protect their legitimate rights and interests.

Chapter IV The Staff and the Property of the Trade Union

Article 37The authorized professional staff formation of the municipal and the district/county federation of trade unions shall be decided through consultation between the municipal federation of trade unions and the municipal or the district/county organization administrative departments. The authorized professional staff formation of the industrial trade union and the sub-district or township and town trade unions, etc. shall be decided through consultation between the trade union of a higher level and the relevant departments.The enterprise or the institution with a staff and worker body of over 200 persons shall be provided with full-time trade union staff. The number of the full-time trade union staff shall be determined through consultation between the trade union of a higher level and the enterprise or the institution. In case of a staff and worker body of less than 200 persons, the enterprise or the institution may be provided with full-time or part-time trade union staff.

Article 38During the term of office, the job post of the chairman, deputy chairman (men) and the member(s) of the committee in the trade union or the stipulated post in the labor contract shall not be transferred at will. In case of a transfer due to the need of work, consent shall be obtained from the trade union committee of the unit. In case of the transfer of the chairman or the deputy chairman, consent shall also be obtained from the trade union of a higher level.In case of the transfer of the job of the person in charge of the preparation for the establishment of the trade union, opinions shall be solicited from the trade union of a higher level in advance.The solicitation of opinions from the trade union of a higher level shall be made in writing. The trade union of a higher level shall reply within 15 days upon the date of receiving the inquiry in writing. Approval shall be taken for granted if no reply is given after the time limit.Upon the date of taking the office for the full-time chairman, deputy chairman (men) or committee members of the grass-roots trade unions, the valid period of their labor contracts shall be automatically prolonged, and the period of time prolonged shall equal to the period of their term of office. Upon the date of taking the office for the part-time chairman, deputy chairman (men) or committee members, if the unperformed time period of their labor contracts is shorter than the period of their term of office, the valid period of the labor contract shall be automatically prolonged to the termination of their term of office. However, persons who commit serious personal fault during the period of the term of office or persons who reach the legal retirement age shall be exception.In case that the full-time chairman, deputy chairman (men) or committee members of the grass-roots trade unions no longer serve full-time in the trade union after the termination of their term of office, the unit they work in shall properly arrange their jobs.

Article 39The labor payment and other welfare treatment of the staff of the grass-roots trade union shall be borne by their work unit.The labor payment and other welfare treatment of the full-time chairman, deputy chairman (men) and committee members of the grass-roots trade union shall, in case the State and this Municipality have otherwise provided, be implemented accordingly; and may, in case where there is no such provisions, be stipulated through consultation between the trade union of the work unit or the trade union of a higher level and the employer-unit.The treatment of the staff and the retired and retired-on-merit staff and workers of the trade unions at all levels above the sub-district, township and town as well as of the affiliated enterprises or the institutions shall be implemented according to relevant provisions of the State and the Municipality.

Article 40The grass-roots trade union committee shall, when it is necessary to use the production (working) hours to call meetings or to carry out activities, decide through consultation with the responsible person of the work unit in advance.Part-time committee members of the trade union may have 3 working days every month to do trade union work with salary and without affecting the welfare treatments. In case of more than 3 working days, the trade union shall ask for consent from the person in charge of the work unit in advance.

Article 41The enterprises, institutions and organs that have established trade unions shall, before the 15th of every month, appropriate and pay to the trade union the monthly trade union funds, the amount equals to 2% of the total salary and wage of the preceding month of the entire body of staff and workers. The total amount of salary and wage shall be calculated according to the provisions of the State Bureau of Statistics. The enterprises, institutions and organs that have established the organization for the preparation of establishing the trade union shall appropriate and pay to the trade union the trade union fund from the date of the establishment of such preparatory organization according to the preceding clause. The trade union at all levels shall deliver to their trade union of a higher level the amount of funds according to the stipulated ratio.

Article 42The trade union shall, according to the principle of independent funds, establish the examination and supervision systems of budget, audit and funds.The income and expenditure of the trade union at all levels shall be examined by the trade union funds examination committee at the same level, and be reported to the conference of the members or the conference of the representatives of the members at regular intervals and be subject to supervision. No unit or individual person shall embezzle, misappropriate or allot at will the trade union's funds and property and the fixed assets allotted to the trade union by the State.The legitimate rights and interests of the enterprise or institution that belong to the trade union for the service of the staff and workers are protected by law. No unit or individual person shall change the subordination relationship.In case of a merge of the trade union organization, the funds and property shall be owned by the merged trade union. In case of a cancellation of the trade union, its funds and property shall be disposed of by the trade union at a higher level.

Article 43The people's government at all levels and enterprises, institutions, and organs shall provide the trade union at the same level with offices and facilities.

Chapter V Legal Liabilities

Article 44Against anyone who acts in violation of the provisions of these Regulations that infringes upon the legal rights and interests of a trade union, the trade union has the right to apply to the people's government or relevant departments for handling, or bring a lawsuit in a people's court according to law.

Article 45Against anyone who obstructs the employees'legal participation and organization of the trade union, or obstructs the assistance and guidance of the trade union of a higher level to the staff and workers on the preparation for the establishment of the trade union in violation of the provisions of these Regulations, the labor administrative department shall order the violator to correct. In case of a refusal of correction, the labor administrative department shall apply to the municipal or the district/county people's government for handling. In case of an obstruction by means of violence or threat that causes serious consequences, and thus constitutes a crime, the violator shall be prosecuted for criminal liability according to law.

Article 46Against anyone who transfers at will the job posts of the chairman, deputy chairman (men) or the committee members of the grass-roots trade union in the trade union or the posts stipulated in the labor contract and the job of the person(s) in charge of the preparation for the establishment of the trade union in violation of the provisions of these Regulations, the trade union of the work unit or the trade union of a higher level may submit the case to the labor administrative department, and the labor administrative department shall order a correction and a restoration of the original job. Any losses and damages shall be compensated.In case that the work unit arbitrarily alters its labor contracts, the chairman, deputy chairman (men) or committee members of the trade union, or the person(s) in charge of the preparation for the establishment of the trade union may apply for a labor arbitration according to law, and may bring a lawsuit in a people's court if the arbitration is not accepted.In case anyone insults, defames or inflicts body injuries to the staff of the trade union who perform their duties according to law, and thus constitutes a crime, the violator shall be prosecuted for criminal liability according to law. If the acts are not serious enough to constitute a crime, the violator shall be punished by the public security organ according to the"Regulations on the Administration of Public Security and Imposition of Punishment".

Article 47In case anyone does any one of the following acts in violation of the provisions of these Regulations, the labor administrative department shall order a restoration of the injured party's job and a back pay of the well-deserved payment for the period that the labor contract has been terminated. If the employee or the trade union staff is not willing to restore the job, the labor administrative department shall order an indemnity equal to twice the annual income of the injured party and an economical compensation according to the provisions on the termination of the labor contract:

(1) The discharge of the labor contract due to the employee's participation in the trade union activities; and

(2) The discharge of the labor contract due to the trade union staff's performance of the duties provided in these Regulations.

Article 48In case anyone does any one of the following acts in violation of the provisions of these Regulations, the municipal or the district/county people's government shall order a correction and handle it according to law:

(1) Obstruct the trade union to organize the staff and workers to exercise the democratic rights according to law by means of the conference of the representative of the staff and workers and other forms;

(2) Illegally cancel or merge the trade union organizations;

(3) Obstruct the trade union's participation in the investigation and handling of the accidents involving the industrial death or injury of the employees and other cases that infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of the employees; and

(4) Refuse the consultation on the basis of equality without proper reasons.

Article 49In case of an embezzlement, misappropriation or allocation and transfer at will of the trade union's property and funds, and a refusal of return, the trade union may bring a lawsuit in a people's court to demand a return and a payment of damages for the loss.

Article 50The organization that is not organized and established according to the"Constitution of the Chinese Trade Union"and in violation of these Regulations, but conducts activities in the name of the trade union or replace the trade union to exercise the duties and rights of the trade union, shall be banned according to law by the administrative department in charge of the registration of mass organizations according to law.

Article 51In case that the enterprise, institution or organ does not pay the trade union funds when it is overdue, or pay less, the trade union shall give it a notice of urging for a payment within a time limit. When the payment is again overdue, the grass-roots trade union or the trade union of a higher level may, according to law, apply to a people's court for a pay warrant. In case that the pay warrant is not performed, the trade union may apply to the people's court for an enforcement according to law.

Article 52In case that the trade union staff violates the provisions of these Regulations, and infringe upon the rights and interests of the staff and workers or of the trade union, the trade union at the same level or the trade union of a higher level shall order a correction, or impose a penalty. If the case is serious, the wrongdoer shall be removed from the office according to the"Constitution of the Chinese Trade Union". In case there are losses and damages, the wrongdoer shall be liable for compensation. And in case the wrongful act constitutes a crime, the wrongdoer shall be prosecuted for criminal liability according to law.

Chapter VI Supplementary Provision

Article 53These Regulations shall become effective on May 1, 1995.

