
国家质量监督检验检疫总局机电产品进口管理规定 Provisions of T

分类: 法律英语 
第一章 总则

第一条 为加强国家质量监督检验检疫总局(以下简称总局)机电产品进口管理工作,根据对外贸易经济合作部、海关总署和国家质量监督检验检疫总局联合发布的《机电产品进口管理办法》、《机电产品自动进口许可管理实施细则》、《机电产品进口配额管理实施细则》、《特定机电产品进口管理实施细则》等有关规定,制定本规定。

第二条 国家质量监督检验检疫总局机电产品进出口办公室(以下简称总局机电办)设在总局计划财务司,其主要职责是:







第二章 自动进口许可的办理

第三条 根据《机电产品自动进口许可管理实施细则》,除禁止进口和限制进口管理以外,《自动进口许可机电产品目录》内的机电产品实行自动进口许可管理。

第四条 申办自动进口许可的程序:



第五条 进口单位凭《自动进口许可证》向银行办理售付汇,并向海关办理验放手续。

第六条 《自动进口许可证》的有效期为一年,在有效期内因特殊原因需延期的,进口单位向总局机电办申请办理换证延期手续,《自动进口许可证》只能延期一次。在有效期内因特殊原因需变更《自动进口许可证》中有关项目内容的(实际用汇额不超过原定用汇额10%的,不需变更),进口单位持原《自动进口许可证》向总局机电办申请办理变更、换证手续。总局机电办收回旧证,并在新证备注栏内打印"换证"字样。

第三章 机电产品进口配额的申报

第七条 进口单位须在每年8月15日前向总局机电办申报下一年度机电进口配额计划(不得对外签约后补报),总局机电办于8月31日前汇总审核,转报国家机电办。

第八条 国家机电办下达配额指标后,进口单位应填写《机电产品进口申请表》一式两份,提供申请报告(包括进口配额用途、引进项目可行性报告等)及其他有关文件报总局机电办,由总局机电办转报国家机电办审批。

第九条 进口单位凭国家机电办签发的《机电产品进口配额证明》向外经贸部申领《进口配额许可证》,申领有效期为《机电产品进口配额证明》签发当年,过期失效。

第十条 进口单位领取《机电产品进口配额证明》后,在有效期内因特殊原因需变更某些项目内容的(实际用汇额不超过原定用汇额10%的,不需变更),持原《机电产品进口配额证明》到原发证机关申请办理变更、换证手续。进口单位持《机电产品进口配额证明》申领《进口配额许可证》时,不得变更《机电产品进口配额证明》中的项目内容。

第十一条 《机电产品进口配额证明》如有遗失,应立即向原进口配额管理机关、原许可证管理机关和报关口岸海关三方同时挂失。如无不良后果,进口单位可向国家机电办申请补发。

第四章 特定机电产品进口的申报

第十二条 申请进口特定机电产品的进口单位应如实填写《机电产品进口申请表》一式两份,报总局机电办,由总局机电办审核后转报国家机电办审批。

第十三条 进口单位凭国家机电办签发的《机电产品进口许可证》对外签约,向银行办理售付汇,并向海关办理验放手续。

第十四条 《机电产品进口许可证》的有效期为一年,在有效期内因特殊原因需延期的,进口单位到原发证机关申请办理延期换证手续,《机电产品进口许可证》只能延期一次。在有效期内因特殊原因需变更《机电产品进口许可证》中有关项目内容的(实际用汇额不超过原定用汇额10%的,不需变更),进口单位持原《机电产品进口许可证》到原发证机关申请办理变更、换证手续。

第十五条 《机电产品进口许可证》如有遗失,应立即向原发证机关挂失,经原发证机关核实后,如无不良后果,予以重新补发。

第五章 附则

第十六条 进口单位伪造、变卖、擅自转让机电产品进口证件等违反国家有关规定的行为,依法对相关当事人进行行政处罚,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

第十七条 进口管理部门工作人员要增强服务意识,在实施管理工作中违反本规定,滥用职权、玩忽职守、徇私舞弊的,依照行政法规给予行政处罚,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

第十八条 本规定由总局机电办负责解释。

第十九条 本规定自发布之日起施行。原《国家质量技术监督局机电产品进口管理办法》同时废止。





Name of Operator (Stamp of Consignee)

电 话Telephone




Area/Department of Consignee


Year Month Date


Terms of Trade


Country/Region of Trading 


Terms of Foreign Exchange


Country/Region of Origin 


Place of Clearance

10. 商品用途

Use of Goods

A.项目类型:□基建项目 □技改项目 □其他项目 项目行业:□□ 

11. 商品名称商品编码(H.S.)设备状态

Description of Goods Code of GoodsStatus of Equipment







15.单价( )

Unit Price

16.总值( )



Amount in USD

18. 总计


19. 备注

Supplementary Details


Area/Department of Consignee's Notion (Stamp) 



 说明:申请进口“单机”不需要填写第A项。 对外贸易经济合作部监制

Provisions of The State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection And Quarantine on The Administration of Import of Mechanical And Electrical Products
GuoZhiJianCai [2002] No.276

September 18, 2002

The bureau of quality and technical supervision of each province, autonomous region, municipality directly under the Central Government, the Xinjiang Army Corps of Production and Construction and municipalities separately listed on the State plan, and each bureau of quality inspection and quarantine directly under this Administration, the Certification and Accreditation Administration, the Standardization Administration, and each entity directly under this Administration:

In order to strengthen the administration of import of mechanical and electrical products, the State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine has formulated the Provisions of the State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine on the Administration of Import of Mechanical and Electrical Products in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state on import and export of electrical and mechanical products. The said Provisions are hereby printed and distributed to you, please carry them out accordingly.

Attachment: Provisions of the State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine on the Administration of Import of Mechanical and Electrical Products

Chapter I General Provisions

Article 1 In order to strengthen the administration of import of mechanical and electrical products by the State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (hereinafter referred to as SAQSIQ), these Provisions are formulated pursuant to the Measures for the Administration of Import of Mechanical and Electrical Products, the Rules for the Implementation of the Administration of Automatic Import License for Mechanical and Electrical Products, the Rules for the Implementation of the Administration of Import Quota for Import of Mechanical and Electrical Products and the Rules for the Implementation of the Administration of Import of Certain Mechanical and Electrical Products etc.

Article 2 The Mechanical and Electrical Import and Export Office of the State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (hereinafter referred to as MEIEO) is set up under the Department of Planning and Finance of the SAQSIQ, its major duties include:

(1) Carrying out the guidelines, policies, laws and regulations of the state on import and export of mechanical and electrical products, formulating rules and regulations on the administration of import and export of mechanical and electrical products within the system, and organizing the implementation and inspection.

(2) Being responsible for the administration of import of mechanical and electrical products within the system, and process the following formalities for import of mechanical and electrical products within the scope authorized by the state;

a. Handling the issuance of import license for mechanical and electrical products to the import entities within the system (hereinafter referred to as import entities);

b. Being responsible for the collection and examination of the import quota of mechanical and electrical products within the system, and reporting to the National Mechanical and Electrical Import and Export Office (hereinafter referred to as NMEIEO) for approval;

c. Being responsible for the collection and examination of the certain mechanical and electrical products within the system, and reporting to the NMEIEO for approval.

(3) Being responsible for the collection, arrangement, analysis and statistics of the real time import data and submitting the data to the NMEIEO, with the operations subject to the administration by the NMEIEO.

Chapter II Handling of Automatic Import License

Article 3 According to the Rules for the Implementation of the Administration of Automatic Import License for Mechanical and Electrical Products, the mechanical and electrical products covered by the Catalog of Mechanical and Electrical Products Subject to Automatic Import License shall be subject to the administration of automatic import license, with the exception of those prohibited and restricted from importing.

Article 4 Procedures for applying for automatic import license:

(1) An import entity shall go through the formalities for automatic import license with the MEIEO before signing the contract, and shall submit one piece of the Import Application Form of Mechanical and Electrical Products (see the attachment) completely filled out and affixed with official seal;

(2) The MEIEO shall examine the application form and, if the requirements are met, issue the Automatic Import License within 10 workdays.

Article 5 The import entity shall handle the sales and payment of foreign exchange with the bank, and go through the formalities for check and clearance with the customs by right of the Automatic Import License.

Article 6 The valid term of the Automatic Import License is one year, if the import entity needs to extend the period for special reasons within the valid term, it shall apply for replacement of the license and extension of the period with the MEIEO, the Automatic Import License may be extended for only once. If the import entity needs to alter the contents of the relevant items in the Automatic Import License for special reasons within the valid term (no alteration is needed if the foreign exchange actually used is less than 10% of the foreign exchange planned to be used), it shall apply for alteration and replacement of the license with the MEIEO by presenting the original Automatic Import License. The MEIEO shall withdraw the old license, and print the words "replacement" in the notes column in the new license.

Chapter III Application for Import Quota for Mechanical and Electrical Products

Article 7 An import entity shall report its plan on import quota for mechanical and electrical products of the next year to the MEIEO before August 15 of each year (report after signing a contract is not allowed), the MEIEO shall collect the reports and make examination and verification before August 31, and transmit the reports to the NMEIEO.

Article 8 After the NMEIEO has assigned the quota index, an import entity shall fill in the Import Application Form of Mechanical and Electrical Products in duplication, submit the application report (including the use of import quota, the feasibility report of the introduced project etc) and other relevant documents to the MEIEO, which shall transmit these documents to the NMEIEO for examination and approval.

Article 9 An import entity shall apply for the Import Quota License with the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation with (MOFTEC) the Import Quota Certificate of Mechanical and Electrical Products issued by the NMEIEO, the valid term for application shall be the current year when the Import Quota Certificate of Mechanical and Electrical Products is issued, any application filed after that period will be ineffective.

Article 10 If an import entity needs to, after drawing the Import Quota Certificate of Mechanical and Electrical Products, alter some project contents for special reasons within the valid term (no alteration is needed if the foreign exchange actually used is less than 10% of the foreign exchange planned to be used), it shall apply for the alteration and replacement with the department that issued the certificate by taking with it the original Import Quota Certificate of Mechanical and Electrical Products. When an import entity applies for the Import Quota License by taking the Import Quota Certificate of Mechanical and Electrical Products, it may not alter any project contents in the Import Quota Certificate of Mechanical and Electrical Products.

Article 11 In case of loss of the Import Quota Certificate of Mechanical and Electrical Products, the holder shall immediately report the loss to, at the same time, the original department in charge of import quota, the original department in charge of license and the customs of the port where the customs declaration was made. If no serious consequences arise, the import entity may apply for issuance of a new certificate with the NMEIEO.

Chapter IV Application for Import of Certain Mechanical and Electrical Products

Article 12 An import entity applying for import of certain mechanical and electrical products shall faithful

