

分类: 法律英语 
第一百零五条 债权人免除债务人部分或者全部债务的,合同的权利义务部分或者全部终止。

    Article 105 Release

    Where the obligee released the obligor from performance in part or in whole, the rights and obligations under the contract are discharged in part or in whole.

    第一百零六条 债权和债务同归于一人的,合同的权利义务终止,但涉及第三人利益的除外。

    Article 106 Merger of Rights and Obligations

    If the same party assumed all the rights and obligations under a contract, the rights and obligations thereunder are discharged, except where the contract involves the interests of a third person.

    第七章 违约责任

    Chapter Seven: Liabilities for Breach of Contracts

    第一百零七条 当事人一方不履行合同义务或者履行合同义务不符合约定的,应当承担继续履行、采取补救措施或者赔偿损失等违约责任。

    Article 107 Types of Liabilities for Breach

    If a party fails to perform its obligations under a contract, or rendered non-conforming performance, it shall bear the liabilities for breach of contract by specific performance, cure of non-conforming performance or payment of damages, etc.

    第一百零八条 当事人一方明确表示或者以自己的行为表明不履行合同义务的,对方可以在履行期限届满之前要求其承担违约责任。

    Article 108 Anticipatory Breach

    Where one party expressly states or indicates by its conduct that it will not perform its obligations under a contract, the other party may hold it liable for breach of contract before the time of performance.

    第一百零九条 当事人一方未支付价款或者报酬的,对方可以要求其支付价款或者报酬。

    Article 109 Monetary Specific Performance

    If a party fails to pay the price or remuneration, the other party may require payment thereof.

    第一百一十条 当事人一方不履行非金钱债务或者履行非金钱债务不符合约定的,对方可以要求履行,但有下列情形之一的除外:(一)法律上或者事实上不能履行;(二)债务的标的不适于强制履行或者履行费用过高;(三)债权人在合理期限内未要求履行。

    Article 110 Non-monetary Specific Performance; Exceptions

    Where a party fails to perform, or rendered non-conforming performance of, a non-monetary obligation, the other party may require performance, except where:

    (i) performance is impossible in law or in fact;

    (ii) the subject matter of the obligation does not lend itself to enforcement by specific performance or the cost of performance is excessive;

    (iii) the obligee does not require performance within a reasonable time.

