

分类: 体育英语 

What kind of food would you like to eat tonight?

A Hi Sue. Have you had a nice day?

A 嗨,苏。 你今天过得愉快吗?

B Yes, thanks, Ping.

B 是的,谢谢你,平。

A What kind of food would you like to eat tonight?

A 你今晚想吃什么?

B I don't know. What do you suggest?

B 我不知道。你有什么建议?

A Well . . . if you like hot and spicy food, we could try Sichuan food.

A 哦…如果你喜欢辛辣的食物,我们可以尝尝四川菜。

B Hmmm . . . I like spicy food. Let's try that.

B 嗯….我喜欢辣的食物,咱们就尝尝四川菜。

Notes  注释

1 To ask someone politely about their day, you can say several things: Have you had a nice day? / Have you had a nice day?; Did you have a nice day? / Did you have a nice day?

要礼貌地询问某人一天过得如何,你可以用几种说法:Have you had a nice day? / 你今天过得愉快吗?; Did you have a nice day? / 你今天过得愉快吗?

2 Remember What kind of . . . ? / What kind of . . . ?. e.g.: What kind of food would you like to eat tonight? / What kind of food would you like to eat tonight?

记住What kind of . . . ? / 什么种类的…? 例如:: What kind of food would you like to eat tonight? /你今晚想吃什?

3 You can describe certain foods, e.g. Sichuan food, as hot and spicy / hot and spicy.

你可以这样描述某种食物的特点,例如四川菜,hot and spicy /辛辣的。

Key phrases and sentences

Have you had a nice day?

What kind of food would you like to eat tonight?

What do you suggest?

If you like hot and spicy food, you could try Sichuan food.

Let's try that.

