

  • The Queen《女王》(精讲之一)

    影片对白Anchorperson: Princess Diana embroiled in more controversy as she pulls out of a meeting with MPs. Anchorperson: Princess Diana moved today to pat...

  • 《加勒比海盗》1(精讲之六)

    影片对白Jack: Why is the rum gone? Elizabeth: Just wait, Captain Sparrow. You give it one hour, maybe two, keep a weather eye out and then you will see wh...

  • 《加勒比海盗》1(精讲之五)

    影片对白Jack: I suppose I should be thanking you because in fact if you hadn't betrayed me and left me to die, I would have an equal share in that cur...

  • 《加勒比海盗》1(精讲之四)

    影片对白 Gibbs: Now, what's the nature of this venture you are in? Jack: I'm going after the Black Pearl. I know where it's going to be and I&...

  • 《加勒比海盗》1(精讲之三)

    影片对白 Pirate1: I didn't know we were takin on captives. Pirate2: She's invoked the right of parley with Captain Barbossa. Elizabeth: I am here ...

  • 《加勒比海盗》1(精讲之二)

    影片对白 Norrington: Keep your guns on him, men. Gillette, fetch some irons. Well, well... Jack Sparrow, isnt it? Jack: Captain Jack Sparrow, if you pleas...

  • 《加勒比海盗》1(精讲之一)

    影片对白 Norrington: May I have a moment? You look lovely, Elizabeth. Elizabeth: Yes? Norrington: I apologize if I seem forward but I must speak my mind. ...

  • The Patriot《爱国者》(精讲之六)

    影片对白BURWELL: Where is he? I'll help you bury him. MARTIN: I'll bury him. BURWELL: My wife in Alexandria is with child. My first. I'll figh...

  • The Patriot《爱国者》(精讲之五)

    影片对白MAJOR HALBERT: My lord, there is a rider at the gates. A civilian carrying a white flag. CORNWALLIS: I'm occupied . MAJOR HALBERT: He has a pa...

  • The Patriot《爱国者》(精讲之四)

    影片对白 TAVINGTON: I dare to presume my own meager contributions will be rewarded one day. CORNWALLIS: You may presume too much. His Majesty, like histor...

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