
The Queen《女王》(精讲之一)

分类: 英美文化 


The Queen《女王》(精讲之一)Anchorperson: Princess Diana embroiled in more controversy as she pulls out of a meeting with MPs.

Anchorperson: Princess Diana moved today to patch up her relations with the former nanny...

Anchorperson: Princess Diana flew to Milan today for a memorial service for the mourn of the Italian fashion designer Gianni Versace.

Anchorperson: ... where tonight another royal controversy sparkles.

Anchorperson: ...after finding a self-embroiled in a second controversy this week.

Diana: I am not a political figure.

Anchorperson: Princess Diana sailed out into the Mediterranean in one of Mr Mohamed Al Fayed's yachts today.

Anchorperson: With his son. 

Anchorperson: ...quarter of a million pounds for photographs which appear to show the couple embracing.

Anchorperson: Once again, her judgement's under scrutiny.

Repoter: Earlier today, they visited the...

Robin: Robin Janvrin. What? Tell Sir Guy I want everyone in ASAP.

Man: Yes sir.

Maid: Ma'am? Ma'am? Ma'am, Mr Janvrin is here to see you.

Elizabeth: What? Oh.

Philip: What?

Robin: Good evening ma'am. I'm sorry to disturb, but I've just had a call from our embassy in Paris. It's the Princess of Wales.

Philip: Why? What's she done now?

Tony: I see. Er... Who, who are we speaking to there? Right, keep me updated . It's Diana. She's been in a car accident in Paris.

Cherie: Is it serious?

Tony: Apparently Dodi Fayed is dead.

Anchorperson: Let's just recap on the details of those injuries, Maxine.

Anchorperson: Yes. What they're saying is the Princess is in the intensive care unit of a southeast Paris hospital. She has concussion, a broken arm and...

Philip: What was she doing in Paris? I thought she was in London.

Elizabeth: Oh you know what she's like. Charles, this awful? What are you goint to do about the boys?

Charles: Let them sleep until we know more.

Elizabeth: Yes, that's sensible.

Charles: I should go to Paris. I told my people to start organising a jet.

Elizabeth: What, a private one?

Charles: Yes.

Elizabeth: Isn't that precisely the sort of extravagance they always attack us for?

Charles: How else must I get to Paris at this time of night? The airport at Aberdeen will be closed.

Elizabeth's mother: Charles, dear, use the royal flight. They keep one plane on permanent standby in case I should kick the bucket .

Elizabeth: No, Mummy, that's out of the question. This isn't a matter of state.

Charles: What are you talking about?

Elizabeth: Diana is no longer a member of the royal family. She's not an HRH . This is, this is a private matter.

Charles: She's mother to your grandchildren.


1. Pull out

意为"Leave, depart 离开",例如:The bus pulled out at noon.
此外,它还指抽象的"离开Withdraw from an undertaking",如"将资金从市场撤出"等,例如:After the crash many investors pulled out of the market.

2. Patch up

意为"Mend or repair, make whole 修补,弥补"的意思,例如:
He managed to patch up the lawn mower so it's running.
Mike and Molly have patched up their differences.

3. Keep me updated

这并不是一个习语,却是一个很有趣的表达法,当你要求某人把某事发展的最新情况告诉你时,就可以说"Keep me updated"。

大家记不记得当你在网上购买一个软件,或是安装一些免费软件的时候,安装的过程中常会有这样的提示:If you would like us to keep you updated on our latest News and Offers, please complete the form below. 这里的keep you updated 也是同样的用法。

4. Kick the bucket

这个俚语应该大家都不陌生,就是"死"的意思,大概相当于我们汉语中的"翘辫子",例如:His children were greedily waiting for him to kick the bucket.

5. HRH

Her (or His) Royal Highness 的缩写,这是对皇家成员的专属称谓。


The Queen: story behind the movie

The Queen《女王》(精讲之一)

Elizabeth II

The British prime minister and the Royal Family find themselves quietly at odds in the wake of a national tragedy in this drama from director Stephen Frears. On August 31, 1997, Diana, Princess of Wales died in an auto accident in Paris; despite the controversial breakup of her marriage to Prince Charles, she was still one of the most famous and best-loved women in the world, and the public outpouring of emotion over her passing was immediate and intense. However, given the messy circumstances of Diana's breakup with Charles, official spokespeople for the Royal Family were uncertain about how to publicly address her passing. It didn't take long for the media to pick up on the hesitation of Buckingham Palace to pay homage to Diana, and many saw this as a sign of the cool emotional distance so often attributed to the royals, which in this case was widely seen as an insult against Diana and the many people who loved her. Prime Minister Tony Blair (played by Michael Sheen) saw a potential public-relations disaster in the making, and took it upon himself to persuade Queen Elizabeth II (played by Helen Mirren) to make a statement in tribute to the fallen Diana -- an action that went against the taciturn queen's usual nature. The Queen was released the same year that Helen Mirren played Queen Elizabeth I in an acclaimed miniseries for British television; The Queen also gave Michael Sheen his second opportunity to play Tony Blair after portraying the prime minister in the television film The Deal.


The Queen《女王》(精讲之一)

Princess Diana










The Queen《女王》(精讲之一)1997年,如果香港回归还不至于让所有英国人因颜面受损而感到悲哀,随之而来的戴妃车祸罹难的噩耗才让整个大不列颠国被愁云笼罩。虽然在生时接连传出婚外情、离婚丑闻,斯人已逝,国民还是原谅了他们心目中美丽善良的王妃。曾经簇拥着王子和王妃华丽花车行进的壮观人潮再次涌现在通往威斯敏斯特大教堂的路上,无数的白玫瑰和白蜡烛铺满王宫外墙。戴妃的死刺痛了民心,更刺到了英国皇室越来越暴露于媒体舆论下的痛处。






1. John cut his hand badly, but they patched him up in the emergency room.
2. All of my goldfish kicked the bucket while we were on vacation.

《加勒比海盗》1(精讲之六)考考你 参考答案

1. 这个机会太好了,不能错过。
This opportunity is too good to pass up.

2. 上年纪的人接受不了他的幽默感。
His sense of humor does not sit well with this elderly audience.

