

分类: 英美文化 


《加勒比海盗》1(精讲之五)Jack: I suppose I should be thanking you because in fact if you hadn't betrayed me and left me to die, I would have an equal share in that curse same as you. Funny old world, isn't it?

Pirate: Captain, we're coming up on the Interceptor.

Jack: I'm having a thought here, Barbossa. What say we run up a flag of truce? I scurry over to the Interceptor and I negotiate the return of your medallion, aye? What say you to that?

Barbossa: Now you see, Jack, that's exactly the attitude that lost you the Pearl. People are easy to search when they're dead. Lock him in the brig!

Gibbs: Hands aloft to loose t'gallants. With this wind she'll carry every sail we've got.

Elizabeth: What's happening?

Anamaria: The Black Pearl, she's gaining on us.

Elizabeth: This is the fastest ship in the Caribbean.

Anamaria: You can tell them that after they've caught us.

Elizabeth: We're shallow on the draft, right?

Anamaria: Aye?

Elizabeth: Well, then can't we lose them amongst those shoals?

Gibbs: We don't have to outrun them long, just long enough.

Anamaria: Lighten the ship. Stem to stern!

Gibbs: Anything that we can afford to lose... see that it's lost!

Jack: Apparently there's a leak.

Barbossa: Haul on the main brace. Make ready the guns. And run out the sweeps.

Will: We're gonna need that.

Anamaria: It was a good plan up till now.

Will: Gibbs! We have to make a stand. We must fight! Load the guns!

Gibbs: With what?

Will: Anything. Everything! Anything we have left.

Gibbs: Load the guns! Case shot and language! Nails and crushed glass! With a will.


1. Run up

Run up 是一个常见的片语,它可以表示"积累(债务)",例如:She ran up huge bills at the florist. 还可以表示"快速地卖出",例如:I can run up some new curtains for the kitchen.

除此以外,run up 还可以表示"Raise a flag 升起",例如:Let's run up the flag in time for the holiday. 这个用法来源于20世纪的海军。

2. Gain on

意为"to get or come closer to (a person, thing etc that one is chasing) 逼近",例如:Drive faster - the police car is gaining on us.

3. Make a stand

"Hold firm against something or someone 坚决反对/抵抗……,对……采取强硬立场"的意思,例如 The government was determined to make a stand against all forms of terrorism.

4. With a will

意为"Vigorously, energetically",例如:He started working with a will.


Pirate flags 海盗的旗帜


John Rackham
('Calico Jack')

In popular legend, every pirate flag displayed a skull above crossed bones or crossed swords. In fact there was ample variation, since every crew wanted a unique flag. The first reference to a modified basic 'Jolly Roger' was in 1700, when the French privateer Emmanuelle Wynne flew a black flag embellished with a skull, crossed bones and an hourglass (Henry Every flew a basic skull and crossed bones, though with the skull turned to the side, as early as 1696, on both a red and black flag). It was presumably also used before the turn of the century, although there is no surviving evidence. It may also have indicated that the flyer no longer considered himself to be a privateer, and was a full-blown pirate. What is known is that following 1700, additional emblems on the basic red or black flag were increasingly associated with piracy, and different symbols were in turn associated with individual pirate captains.

Of these, the most common symbol was the skull, the symbol of death. It was also frequently depicted in association with crossed bones, another death symbol (although only Edward England flew the "skull and crossed bones" in it's pure form. Christopher Condent's banner repeated the same symbol 3 times.) Both signs were commonly 'momento mori' on 16th and 17th century gravestones all over the British Isles. Other symbols were complete skeletons, spears, swords, hourglasses, initials, hearts, crossed swords, wings and raised glasses. In an era where symbolism in art and everyday life was commonplace, each had a distinct and immediately recognizable meaning. Apart from the death association with bones, skeletons and skulls, dancing skeletons meant dancing a jig with death, a fatalistic reference the flyer didn't care about his fate. This was also the origin of the raised glass symbol ('toasting death'). Weapons were a portent of slaughter to come, while hourglasses and wings indicated that time was running out (or flying away). All these symbols can be found in contemporary allegorical paintings of death, or on gravestones.
The symbols were often combined. For instance, Christopher Moody used a skull and crossed bones, a raised sword and a winged hourglass. Edward Teach ('Blackbeard') flew a flag depicting a horned skeleton holding an hourglass and a spear next to a bleeding heart. In addition to his 'ABH/AMH' flag, Bartholomew Roberts also flew one depicting a pirate holding an hourglass, alongside a skeleton clutching a spear. The fatalism in pirate symbolism was evident, and it probably applied to pirates as well as their victims.

National flags were still flown, often in an attempt to show that the pirates still wanted to be seen as privateers who only attacked the ships of other nations. If the countries were at peace, or if the pirate held no privateering commission, this meant little or nothing. In 1718 Charles Vane flew the English flag from one mast and a black pirate flag from another. In 1720, Edward England flew a black flag from his mainmast, a red flag from his foremast and the English flag from his ensign staff!

Jolly Rogers were rough and ready affairs, run up by a pirate ship's sailmaker or any member of the crew who was handy with a needle. Many Nassau pirates had their flags made for them by a sailmaker's widow, who accepted payment in brandy.



1. 她很快卖掉了一些窗帘。
She ran up some curtains.

2. 旅馆账单也许高达500英镑。
The hotel bill might run up to£500.

3. 她在园子里起劲地翻起土来。
She started digging the garden with a will.

《加勒比海盗》1(精讲之四)考考你 参考答案

1. They finally struck a bargain after weeks of wrangling over who would get what.

2. The tourists feast their eyes on the Grand Canyon.

