Download影片对白Carrie: Miranda suddenly realized she was dating "Catholic Guy." So you think the water serves as a retro baptism kind of thing?...
Download影片对白Carrie: I saw the Met is opening a new Goya exhibit. Do you want to go this Saturday?Big: Sure. Could you get me some more duck sauce, ple...
影片对白Carrie: I think we should go. It's the right thing to do.Samantha: Give me one good reason.Okay. You're driving down the road. You see a s...
Download影片对白Carrie: In a city of perfect people, no one was more perfect than Brooke. She was aninterior designerwho only dated A-list guys. For Brook...
Donwload影片对白Carrie: Five hours later, Charlotte's night was just beginning. She and Jack had just had another fantastic date--dancing for dyslexia...
Download影片对白Carrie: The island of Manhattan is a cozy village populated by more than seven million fascinating individuals who all behave like they ow...
影片对白Carrie: Mike told me everything that afternoon while I helped him pick out sheets at Bed, Bath & Beyond. So how long have you been seeing her?...
影片对白Carrie: While at home, all the English I seemed to encounter was "bills, bills, bills." I envied Amalita. Her life was a blur of rich me...
影片对白Deanne: So how long have you known Nick?Miranda: We've been riding the same elevator line for years and then we had lunch a few weeks ago and ...
影片对白Carrie: That day, Tim popped the question.Tim: How'd you like to have dinner with my folks Tuesday night?Elizabeth: I'd love to.Carrie: On...