
Sex and the City《欲望城市》(精讲之十)

分类: 英美文化 


Sex and the City《欲望城市》(精讲之十)Carrie: I think we should go. It's the right thing to do.

Samantha: Give me one good reason.

Okay. You're driving down the road. You see a sign. It says "two-headed snake." Youpull over. Wild Laney is having a baby shower. You pull over.

Samantha:She's got a point. It's the right thing to do. Just imagine how fat she must be.

Carrie: As I penciled in the date, I noticed something missing. In between the Versace show and dinner at Moomba, there it wasn't--my period, four days late. That Saturday, also known as "Seven Days Late", four city girls set off to visit the country mice. Are we there yet?

Miranda: I've already had two of these, so we're gonna be stopping a lot.

Carrie: Hey, nice outfit. Is there gonna be some belly dancing at the shower?

Samantha: Yeah. Right after the gifts.

Carrie: Shit! I totally spaced. I've forgot to buy her a present. How tacky is it to give the mother-to-be a fistful of cash?

Samantha: Oh, don't worry about it. You cango inon mine.Sex and the City《欲望城市》(精讲之十)

Carrie: You bought a pregnant woman a bottle of Scotch?

Samantha: The invitation saidBYOB.

Miranda: That meant "bring your own baby."

Carrie: What did you get her?

Miranda: Condoms.

Carrie: Seriously, what did you get her?

Miranda: Seriously. They're pastel.

Charlotte: Hey, guys! Wait, wait! Hey, guys, wait for me!

Samantha: Oh, my God!

Miranda: Look at the size of that thing. We could drive that to Connecticut.

Carrie: I'm putting my name on that card.

Samantha: All right. Go, go, go, go. Does anybody know how to drive?

Charlotte: I just have to tell you your home is beautiful.

Laney: Thank you. I know it's a big change. But at some point, you have to get serious andsettle down. I mean, life is not a Jacqueline Susann novel--four friends looking for life and love in the big city.

Charlotte: Stop it! You are not going to clean up at your own shower.

Woman: Yeah, relax, 'cause once little Todd or Shayla comes around, you'll never stop cleaning up.

Charlotte: Shayla? Did you say Shayla?

Woman: It's so unique, isn't it?

Charlotte: It's so my name!

Woman: I thought your name was Charlotte.

Charlotte: No, it's not my name. It's my name, my secret baby name that I made up when I was 11 years old for my daughter when I had her. I told you. Don't tell me you don't remember.

Laney: No, I'm sorry, I really don't.

Carrie: A complete lie. She remembered. We all remembered. Charlotte had made us all swear never to use it.

Laney: Anyway, I think my husband heard it somewhere else.

Charlotte: Really? Where? Because I didn't tell him.

Laney: I can't believe you're freaking out over a name.

Woman: I mean you're not even pregnant.

Charlotte:That's not the point!

Samantha: What's going on?

Charlotte: She stole my baby name.

Samantha: You bitch! Let's go.


1. Pull over

意思是"将车泊到路边",例如:The police officer told the driver to pull over.

2. She's got a point.

这里的意思是"她说的有道理"。片段中的"That's not the point."意为"这不是重点"。总之,point在很多场合都有很多用法,要多多揣摩。

3. Go in

这里的go in 意思是"Join others in some venture",例如:He went in with the others to buy her a present.


影片中Miranda 说这个缩写的意思是"bring your own baby",实际上这个缩写常用来代表 bring your own booze / bottle。国外流行的一种聚会方式,就是去参加的时候自己带酒,难怪Samantha要理解错了。

5. Settle down

这里指的是"Begin living a stable, orderly life开始过一种稳定的、有规律的生活",也常用来指"结婚",通常人们认为结婚才会稳定。例如:After traveling all over the world for years, he decided to settle down in his home town.


Jacqueline Susann

Sex and the City《欲望城市》(精讲之十)Jacqueline Susann (August 20, 1918, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - September 21, 1974, New York City) was an American author known for her mass-appeal novels. Her most notable work was Valley of the Dolls, a book that broke sales records and spawned a movie and a TV series.

At school, Susann was a lazy student, but she scored a 140 on a fifth-grade IQ test. Writing was always something she was praised for, but Susann was determined to become an actress. After she graduated from high school, her mother wanted her to become a teacher, but she moved to New York to pursue her original dream.

Arriving in New York City she got bit parts in movies, plays (such as The Women), and commercials. After marrying Irving Mansfield, a press agent on April 2, 1939, she began to get better jobs. She was placed in news columns, and soon was a regular on The Morey Amsterdam Show. She then got a spot in the Broadway show A Lady Says Yes starring Carole Landis and Jack Albertson. In 1955, she acquired her poodle Josephine and a contract to be the fashion commentator for SchiffliSex and the City《欲望城市》(精讲之十)Lace on Night Time, New York which ran 1-7 a.m. weeknights. She wrote, starred in, and produced two live commercials every night. She continued as the "Schiffli Girl" until 1961.

She tried writing a show business/drug exposé that she was going to call The Pink Dolls, but instead she wrote her first successful book, Every Night, Josephine! which was based on her experiences with her poodle, whom she sometimes dressed up in outfits to match her own. Although the book was widely viewed as a novelty, it sold well enough for her to publish her second book, Valley of the Dolls.

The book was an instant smash, and broke many sales records (at around 19 million copies, it has been cited as the best-selling novel ever.) The book also served as a cultural touchstone; though some peopleSex and the City《欲望城市》(精讲之十)considered Susann's writing style to be loud, bombastic and brash (an assessment Susann herself would have agreed with) and the subject matter inappropriate, the mixture of soap-opera style storytelling with bold, non-traditional characters - a model, a singer and a bombshell actress - reaped huge sales. It may have also been successful because some of the story was a roman á clef - the character Neely O'Hara was said to be loosely based on Judy Garland, while the character of Broadway legend Helen Lawson appeared to be a take on Ethel Merman, and starlet Jennifer North on Carole Landis. In the subsequent movie, she played a reporter at the scene of Jennifer's suicide.

Once she was famous, Mansfield devoted himself to supporting and helping her, acting as her agent. Susann went on to publish several more novels, all in a similar vein to "Dolls".





Sex and the City《欲望城市》(精讲之九)考考你 参考答案

1. Although most of our employees are satisfied with their jobs, half of them would probably jump ship if something becames available elsewhere.

2. The original star of the TV series jumped ship after the first season.

3. Players had crossed the line by attacking fans on the pitch.

