
Sex and the City《欲望城市》(精讲之六)

分类: 英美文化 


Sex and the City《欲望城市》(精讲之六)Carrie: Mike told me everything that afternoon while I helped him pick out sheets at Bed, Bath & Beyond. So how long have you been seeing her?

Mike: A while.

Carrie: Is this a painful topic?

Mike: No. It's just she's not someone I date openly.

Carrie: Why? Is she married? 

Mike: No.

Carrie: Is she a cousin?

Mike: No. Look. The thing is, she's smart, she's been incredibly sweet, and sex is great. She's just not the one Isee myself with.

Carrie: Why not? It was about three months ago. Mike had beendumpedby Fiona Brooks, a cellist for the Philharmonic who he was trying to forget as quickly as possible. They had both loved to cook, and shopping for the week was a Saturday morning ritual. So he was feeling particularly vulnerable when--

Libby: Care to try some aged sheep's milk cheese from the trappists in Alps?

Mike: Thanks. It's good.

Libby: It's made by monks.

Mike: Really?

Libby: Trappist monks. Fresh goat cheese from the Napa Valley.

Mike: It's delicious.

Libby: (French.) It's a triple cream from France.

Carrie: She was one of the only women he'd ever met who he felt he could justbe with. So what's the problem?

Mike: Look. She's not beautiful and we don't have a lot in common. I mean, you know, most of her friends are in dairy. But she's warm and uNPRetentious and it was the best sex I've ever had in my life.

Carrie: What are you afraid of? What are other people going to think?

Mike: All I know is that she's not the right woman for mein the larger sense, so I keep her a secret.

Carrie: I couldn't decide whether Mike was being shallow or honest but the question nagged me for days. How many of us out there are having great sex with people we're ashamed to introduce to our friends?


1. See oneself with.

意思是 "打算要结婚或是保持长期的恋爱关系",例如:Linda is the girl he sees himself with.

2. Dump

Dump 是 break up 的俗语讲法,两者之间的区别就好像是我们汉语中说的"分手"和"被甩"差不多。例如:Mike was dumped by Fiona. Again.

3. Be with

这里"be with" 意思是"和某人在一起,交往",在这个片段中的意思是"Mike could just be himself around her, he didn't feel like he had to impress her or pretend to be someone else. He could just be himself around her, and she liked him."

举个例子:I think John is the man I'm supposed to be with. 这里的 be with 意思就是 be dating。

4. In the larger sense

在这里和"see oneself with"的意思差不多:He doesn't see himself with her for a long time, or marrying later in life.



Sex and the City《欲望城市》(精讲之六)乳酪是西餐中必不可少的菜肴。对它,有人爱之如命、不可一日或缺,有人则一闻到味道便逃之夭夭、避之唯恐不及。目前,全世界约有数千种以上的天然乳酪,产地涵盖将近整个欧洲,以及美国、加州、澳洲、纽西兰与日本等地;其中,每个国家都有其代表性的乳酪,如意大利的Gorgonzola、Mascarpone、Ricotta,荷兰的Gouda、Edam,英国的Stilton、Cheddar,瑞士的Emmenthal、Gruyere,德国的Bonifaz、Bavariablu,丹麦的Danadlu、Havarti ……等等。

As Pierre Androuet asserts in his fundamental text Guide du Fromage (Guide to Cheese), a cheese should simply be what it is-its appearance, aroma, texture, and flavor should be characteristic of the variety to which it belongs. But how does one determinate a cheese's "type"? There are innumerable cheeses, and no single, standardized method for grouping them; rather, authorities employ different classification systems.

General characteristics, such as the type of milk (or whey) used or the country of origin, provide a starting point for discussing broad topics; for example, the relative unpopularity of sheep's milk cheese in the United States compared to European countries, or the social implications of cheese consumption in England as opposed to France. More specific classifications-the moisture content of the cheese (hard, semi-hard, soft, or fresh), whether it was made from pasteurized or unpasteurized milk, or the length of aging-may serve scientific inquiries concerned with bacterial development rates in different cheeses.

When cheese is classified by "type," it is grouped by similar characteristics like taste, smell, and appearance. The rind type and the method of production are often used as determining factors. Steven Jenkins describes eight different cheese "families" (including processed cheese) (Cheese Primer, pp. 11-13). These very common categories may help when choosing a cheese at the cheese counter, but a particular cheese may fit into more than one category, or not seem to fit in any.

Sex and the City《欲望城市》(精讲之六)Fresh cheese 新鲜乳酪. After the formation of curds, the cheese (and also, sometimes, the whey) is usually transferred to plastic tubs and covered. The cheeses are eaten fresh, not ripened, and do not have a rind. Cottage cheese, cream cheese, and feta-a pickled cheese-are some common examples of fresh cheeses. Sometimes fresh Mozzarella is also included in this category because it does not form a rind, but this is problematic because Mozzarella curds are heated and stretched.

Sex and the City《欲望城市》(精讲之六)


Bloomy rind cheese 半成熟乳酪. Also called simply "soft ripened cheese," this category includes cheeses like French Camembert and Brie, which are covered with velvety white molds that ripen the cheese from the outside in.

Sex and the City《欲望城市》(精讲之六)Washed-rind cheese 洗浸乳酪. These orange, sticky, stinky cheeses are rubbed with a water, brine, or alcohol solution to invite the growth of ripening bacteria and molds on their rinds. Examples include the French Livarot (nicknamed "The Colonel" because it is ringed with raffia stripes) and Alsatian Munster.

Sex and the City《欲望城市》(精讲之六)Natural rind cheese 自然外壳乳酪. These cheeses are self-sufficient, naturally forming their rinds from air contact. Surface-molded goat cheeses and British Stilton are good examples. British farmhouse cheeses are sometimes included in the natural rind category because their permeable cheesecloth wrapping allows them to develop a thick protective rind. Likewise, Parmigiano-Reggiano and other cheeses are helped to form a rind that still develops largely from air contact.

Sex and the City《欲望城市》(精讲之六)Blue-veined cheese 蓝纹乳酪. To allow the growth of their distinctive bluish or greenish interior molds, these cheeses are never pressed. They are typically injected with a mold strain, and then pierced to expose the insides to air. They may be wrapped in foil like Italian Gorgonzola or form natural rinds like British Stilton.

Uncooked, pressed cheese. This is a category defined by processing type. These cheeses are pressed to remove whey, but are not cooked.

Cooked, pressed cheese. Cheeses such as Swiss Emmental (sometimes Emmentaler) and Gruyère are cooked and pressed in the processes described above.

Sex and the City《欲望城市》(精讲之六)Processed cheese 加工乳酪. There is another type of cheese that, because of its overwhelming presence in supermarket refrigerator cases, should not be overlooked. Pasteurized processed cheese is created by heating and mixing a blend of natural cheeses and emulsifiers. These cheeses-American cheese certainly being the best-known in the United States-can retain their flavor and texture qualities in a much broader range of temperature and moisture conditions than can natural cheeses, and for a longer period of time. They are also easy to use in a variety of dishes, and are typically less expensive than natural cheeses. Because the entire product, not just the milk, is pasteurized, and because processed cheeses are often vacuum-packaged, they are uniformly and consistently safe. The nutrient content of processed cheese remains very close to that of natural cheese, although the sodium content may be higher. All of these characteristics make them popular choices not only in the United States but in other countries as well.
Processed cheese food and cheese spread both contain natural cheese and emulsifying agents, but add other ingredients like whey, skim milk, milk powders, or water that raise the moisture content of the product. This causes them to melt or spread more easily. There are also imitation cheese products that contain little or no milk protein. Soy cheese is one example of an imitation cheese product.


Sex and the City《欲望城市》(精讲之六)生活中,大多数男人的想法都和迈克差不多:尽管女孩子很聪明,很可爱,很真诚,但是不够漂亮,他们总觉得遗憾而心有不甘,要么是玩玩就过了,要么就是虽然结合了心里还是时常长草。外貌真得有那么重要吗?这个问题也许只有男人才能回答,但他们什么时候说过真话呢?



1. The thing is, she's smart, she's been incredibly sweet, and sex is great. She's just not the one I see myself with.

2. She was one of the only women he'd ever met who he felt he could just be with.

3. I couldn't decide whether Mike was being shallow or honest but the question nagged me for days.

Sex and the City《欲望城市》(精讲之五)考考你 参考答案

1. 你可以随意使用这些钱。
You can use the money at your disposal.

2. 警察把示威者清除出了广场。
The police cleaned the protesters out of the square.

3. 已经五点多了,我们就结束吧。
It's past five o'clock so let's call it a day.

4. 最近几个月钢产量被缩减了。
Steel production has been cut back in recent months.

