231鸟翼上系上了黄金,这鸟便永不能再在天上翱翔了。 Set the bird's wings with gold and it will never again soar in the sky.232 我们地方的荷花又在这陌生的水上开了花,放出同样的清香,只是名字换了。 The same ...
Hearing Silence by Trisha Taylor As the interphased day and night Leaves the sky aglow with residual light, My hungry eyes take in the feast That tell...
To Daffodils By Robert Herrick Fair Daffodils,we weep to see You haste away so soon; As yet the early-rising Sun Has not attained his noon. Stay,stay...
Ode The Rainbow comes and goes, And lovely is the Rose, The Moon doth with delight Look round her when the heavens are bare, Waters on a starry night...
Beautiful SnowBeautiful snow, so pure and white, Dancing through the air you go; Falling so gently, softly and light From the clouds above to the eart...
241您曾经带领着我,穿过我的白天的拥挤不堪的旅程,而到达了我的黄昏的孤寂之境。 在通宵的寂静里,我等待着它的意义。 Thou hast led me through my crowded travels of the day to my evening's loneliness. I wa...
Death Be Not Proud by John Donne Death be not proud, though some have called thee Mighty and dreadful, for, thou art not so, For, those, whom thou t...
I Don't Want to I do not want to clean my room I cannot close the door; There's so much junk piled here and there I cannot see the floor. ...
The WillowStanding gracefully on its strong base,Swaying along the river bed,Talking to the rushing water,The water in which it is wed. They stand sid...
251夜的沉默,如一个深深的灯盏,银河便是它燃着的灯光。 The night's silence, like a deep lamp, is burning with the light of its milky way.252 死像大海的无限的歌声,日夜冲击着生命的光明岛的四周。 Arou...