
我不想 I Don't Want to

分类: 英语诗歌 
 I Don't Want to I do not want to clean my room  I cannot close the door;  There's so much junk piled here and there  I cannot see the floor.  I do not want to cut the grass  It's almost one foot high;  And the weeds are so abundant  I just don't want them to die.  I do not want to get the mail  I haven't in many a day;  The box is probably full of junk  And many bills to pay.  I do not want to rake the lawn  I haven't since last fall;  There are plenty of leaves left over  Hidden in the grass so tall.  I do not want to do my work!  Have I got that clear to you?  I'll get it done some other day  Have I got that through? 我不想打扫房间 房门都没法关上; 四处堆满垃圾, 看不到地板的模样。 我不想修剪绿草, 就算已经长到一尺高; 面对野草葱郁, 我不忍心让它们死掉。 我不想收到邮件, 许多天来一直这样; 垃圾信件或许满满一箱, 账单不知会有多少张。 我不想整理草坪, 从去年秋天就没劳动; 无数的落叶, 藏进高高的草丛。 我现在不想工作, 我是否已经向你表露? 我会放到将来的某一天, 我是否已经说得清楚?

