

分类: 英语演讲  时间: 2023-11-24 15:27:12 

爱思英语编者按:新华网北京1月15日电 1月16日出版的今年第2期《求是》杂志,将发表中共中央政治局常委、国务院总理温家宝的重要文章:《中国农业和农村的发展道路》。



China’s Agricultural and Rural Development


I. Great achievements in agricultural and rural development


The CPC has always placed great emphasis on its initiatives in regard to agriculture, rural areas, and rural residents. Committed to balancing the development of urban and rural areas, the Party has implemented a series of policies with a view to strengthening agriculture, benefiting rural residents, and allowing people in rural areas to prosper since the convening of its Sixteenth National Congress. These efforts have been met with remarkable advances in China’s agricultural and rural development.


China’s grain output has grown steadily for consecutive years, and overall progress has also been made in farming, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery. The development of agriculture is our number one priority and the key focus of our macro-control policies. On this basis, we have acted quickly to adopt a series of effective policies aimed at boosting agriculture. China’s national grain output has recorded eighth consecutive year of growth, which is a very rare achievement. Grain output reached 571.2 million tons in 2011, a whole 140.5 million tons greater than the output recorded in 2003. Increases have also been witnessed in the output of other major agricultural products in China. Moreover, the mix of agricultural produce in China’s agricultural sector has been further optimized, and the application of advanced technologies and equipment in agricultural production has been enhanced. In addition, we have stepped up our initiatives in ecological conservation by a considerable margin, leading to the rapid growth of forest resources and the forestry industry.


Rural incomes have continued to rise rapidly, bringing about significant improvement in the living standards of rural residents. We have continued to regard the increasing of rural incomes as a core task of our initiatives in rural areas. On this basis, we have made every effort to create additional means of income for rural residents. The per capita net income of rural residents has increased steadily over the past several years, and is expected to have exceeded 6, 900 yuan in 2011. This represents a significant increase of more than 4,400 yuan over that recorded in 2002, and equates to an average annual increase of 7.9% according to comparable prices. On a particularly positive note, the income gap between urban and rural areas began to show signs of narrowing in 2010. Generally speaking, the living standards of rural residents have improved significantly, and are continuing to improve.


Rural areas have undergone transformation, presenting a portrait of harmony and stability. We have identified the development of public programs in rural areas as an important means of narrowing the gap between urban and rural areas. On this basis, constant efforts have been made to improve the state of infrastructure in rural regions. Over the past nine years, we have built and upgraded total 2.72 million kilometers of rural roads, brought safe drinking water to 326 million rural residents, supplied additional 30 million rural households with methane, and renovated dilapidated houses for over 4.6 million rural households. In addition, we have devoted efforts to making up for the deficiency of social programs in rural areas. As a result, compulsory education is available to 130 million rural students free of charge, our new rural cooperative medical care system covers 97% of the rural population, and over 53 million rural residents are included in the system of basic living allowances. Moreover, trials for a new type of pension insurance for rural residents have already been launched in 60% of China’s counties, with 78 million rural residents being eligible to receive pension payouts from the government. Constant progress has been made in the development of grassroots organizations and in the enhancement of democracy and the rule of law in rural areas. In turn, both public security and relationships between the Party and the public and between cadres and the general public in rural areas have been notably improved.


The years since the convening of the Sixteenth National Party Congress represent a period in which huge historic changes have occurred to agriculture and rural areas and rural residents have enjoyed almost unprecedented tangible benefits. This period has been yet another golden era for the development of agriculture, rural areas and rural residents in China. In turn, the smooth development of agriculture and rural areas has laid down solid foundations for our efforts to overcome various risks, provided strong support for the steady and rapid development of the national economy, and made a significant contribution to the preservation of social harmony and stability.


Our hard-won achievements are the result of our enduring dedication to agricultural and rural initiatives. China has suffered from frequent natural disasters over recent years, especially droughts and floods. At the same time, we have also been confronted with problems such as the loss of arable land, the transfer of the rural labor force, rising agricultural production costs, and the increasing pressure of international competition in agriculture. In spite of these circumstances, however, China has been able to keep its agricultural and rural development steadily on track. The fundamental reason for this is that the central government has adopted the right policies and taken effective measures. At the strategic level, we have identified the resolution of problems in regard to agriculture, the countryside and rural residents as the number one priority in the agenda of the entire Party. On this basis, we have formulated the policies of nurturing agriculture through industry, supporting the countryside through urban initiatives, and increasing investment, relieving burdens, and loosening constraints. At the same time, we have also identified the fundamental requirement of promoting the modernization of agriculture in step with industrialization and urbanization and accelerating the integration of economic and social development in urban and rural areas. We have defined a path of agricultural modernization with Chinese characteristics as our basic approach, and outlined the strategic tasks of accelerating the development of modern agriculture and building a new socialist countryside. To accomplish these tasks, we have taken active steps to adjust national income distribution and balance the interests of urban and rural areas. The focus of infrastructure development and social programs has been shifted towards rural areas, and a major proportion of additional government investment in education, health, culture, and fixed assets has been allocated to rural areas, thereby allowing rural areas to benefit more from public finance. We have also made unremitting efforts to promote reform and innovation in rural areas, leading to major breakthroughs in certain key aspects. In recent years, we have focused our efforts on resolving issues affecting the long-term development of agriculture and rural areas as well as the immediate interests of rural residents. In many cases, these efforts have led to milestone achievements.

