
The Departed《无间道风云》(精讲之五)

分类: 英美文化 


The Departed《无间道风云》(精讲之五)Queenan: The readiness is all. You know the players. Call the game.

Colin: Thank you.

Costello: Are you ready?

Woman: Is your highness gonna drop me off at confession before work or fuck me or what?

Costello: What have you got to confess to that anointed pederast? The confessional seal, these days... I'm not so sure.

Cop1: Piece of cake, he'll operate the cameras, you id the guys and log them.

Queenan: Well, all cell phone signals are under surveillance through the courtesy of our federal friends over there.

Ellerby: Patriot act! Patriot act! I love it, I love it, I love it. Keep an eye on it.

Colin: All right, here we go. There is Costello, Mr. French, there's Fitzy. Delahunt. And the new guy, Billy Costigan. Time is 10: 46.

Costello: All right, turn off your cell phones. Fitzy's got the chicken. Check your weapons.

Cop2: We have a blind spot

Ellerby: Why do we have a blind spot?

Cop2: We had two hour's notice. Two hours, what the fuck do you think this is, Nasa?

Ellerby: Never crossed my mind. Have you got a camera in the back?

Camera geek cop: What back?


1. Call the game

Call the game 可以表示"to referee the game or to call the game off 为比赛做裁判或是中止比赛",做后一个意思讲的时候常用于这样的情况:在比赛中,由于天气等原因不得不中止比赛,等天气好转后再继续比赛或是择日再赛。

在这个电影片段中,Queenan 的意思有点是让Colin来"主持整个进程",在后面我们会看到当监视器的画面显示出Costello一伙时,Colin 主持人性质的发言。

2. Id

这里的id 可不是指 ID card,而是 identify(辨别身分)的意思。
Id 作动词用时的时态和形态变化有:ID'd or IDed or ID'ed, ID'ing or ID·ing。

3. Blind spot

这里指"A part of an area that cannot be directly observed under existing circumstances盲区"。

Blind spot 还可以指"Subject about which one is ignorant or biased某人一无所知或是抱有偏见的事物",例如:The boss has a blind spot about Henry; he wouldn't fire him for anything.

4. We had two hour's notice. Two hours, what the fuck do you think this is, NASA?

这句话的意思是 The police didn't have very much notice to set up their video equipment, which is why they have a blind spot. NASA (美国国家航空航天局)has very good technology. Cop2's comment is referring to the fact that their equipment was put up quickly (in only 2 hours) and that they have poor equipment.

5. Cross one's mind

这个片语也写作pass through one's mind,意思是"Suddenly occur to one突然想起,掠过心头",例如:It never crossed my mind that they would turn the proposal down.


National Aeronautics and Space Administration


National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is the unit of the federal government charged with operating the nation's space exploration and aeronautics The Departed《无间道风云》(精讲之五)programs. The administrator of NASA, an independent agency, is appointed by the president, subject to Senate confirmation. NASA came into existence on 1 October 1958, after Congress passed the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958, at the recommendation of President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Many Americans had been highly alarmed when, on 4 October 1957, the Soviet Union put into orbit Sputnik, the first man-made satellite. In the midst of the Cold War, Americans feared that the Soviets might develop superior missile and space technology and use it against the United States. The new agency absorbed the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, a poorly funded research agency formed in 1915.

Even though much of NASA's early political support stemmed from America's Cold War competition with the Soviet Union, NASA was designed as an explicitly civilian agency to pursue peaceful space activities. Overseeing the military applications of space technology was left to the Department of Defense. In practice, however, the distinction has sometimes blurred. From the beginning, NASA and the military have cooperated in a variety of ways, and many astronauts have come from military backgrounds.

Projects Mercury and Gemini

The Departed《无间道风云》(精讲之五)

May 5, 1961 launch of Redstone rocket and NASA's Mercury spacecraft #7 Freedom 7 with Alan Shepard Jr. on the United States' first manned sub-orbital spaceflight. (Atlas rockets were used to launch Mercury's orbital missions.)

NASA designed its first major program, Project Mercury, to study human abilities in space and to develop the technology required for manned space exploration. The program and the original seven astronauts received tremendous public attention, and the astronauts became national heroes. One of those seven, Alan Shepard, became the first American in space with his suborbital flight on 5 May 1961. On 20 February 1962, John Glenn became the first American to orbit the earth (Soviet cosmonaut Yuri A. Gagarin was the first human in space and the first to orbit the Earth, on 12 April 1961).

President John F. Kennedy congratulated the astronauts and NASA but said that the nation needed "a substantially larger effort" in space. Speaking to Congress on 25 May 1961, Kennedy declared what that effort should be: "I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the Earth." Kennedy admitted that the lunar program would be expensive and risky, but the public came to support it enthusiastically. Congress approved the program-called Project Apollo-with very little debate. Apollo became the most expensive civilian project in American history.

The Mercury flights (a total of six from 1961 to 1963) and the subsequent Project Gemini (ten flights from 1965 to 1966) served as preliminary steps to going to the moon. The larger and more advanced Gemini spacecraft allowed astronauts to practice maneuvers that would be essential in the Apollo program.

Project Apollo

Ironically, as NASA worked toward fulfilling its exciting goal, public support for the agency began to decline. After it became clear that the United States was not really The Departed《无间道风云》(精讲之五)

Left to Right: Saturn V, which last carried men to the Moon, the Space Shuttle and the planned Ares I and Ares V launch vehicles

losing the "space race" to the Soviet Union, many Americans wondered whether the lunar program was worth its cost. Then, on 27 January 1967, three astronauts conducting tests inside a sealed Apollo capsule died when a fire broke out in the spacecraft. A review board found that NASA had not paid adequate attention to safety.

After several unmanned Apollo test flights and one manned mission that orbited the Earth, NASA was ready to send a spacecraft into lunar orbit. Circling the moon on Christmas Eve, 1968, the crew of Apollo 8 beamed back to Earth spectacular pictures of the moon's surface. NASA sent two more test flights into lunar orbit and was then ready to land on the moon. Apollo 11 lifted off on 16 July 1969 and landed on the moon four days later. As much of the world watched televised coverage in awe, Neil Armstrong became the first human to walk on the moon. Just after he stepped from his spacecraft onto the lunar surface, Armstrong spoke his immortal line: "That's one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind." The crew of Apollo 11 returned safely to earth on 24 July.

Apollo 12 made a smooth journey to the moon and back, but the next mission-Apollo 13-encountered serious problems. On the way to the moon in April 1970, one of the spacecraft's oxygen tanks exploded, crippling the ship and leaving doubt whether the crew could return safely. Some ingenious work by the astronauts and the NASA engineers on the ground brought the crew of Apollo 13 home alive. NASA conducted four more successful expeditions to the moon, but dwindling public interest and congressional support led to the cancellation of the final two planned flights.

The Space Shuttle

The Departed《无间道风云》(精讲之五)

Space Shuttle Columbia, April 12 1981

NASA's next major project was the space shuttle, which the agency promoted as a means of reliable and economical access to space. As it developed the shuttle during the 1970s, NASA also pursued the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project with the Soviets, Skylab, and a series of unmanned exploratory missions, including the Viking probe of Mars. The shuttle began flying in 1981. Although the shuttle proved not to be as efficient as NASA promised, more than twenty flights had taken place by the end of 1985.

On 28 January 1986, tragedy struck. The shuttle Challenger exploded seventy-three seconds after liftoff, killing all seven astronauts aboard. The disaster stunned NASA and the nation. A presidential commission investigating the accident sharply criticized NASA's management and safety procedures. After revamping the program, shuttle flights resumed in 1988.

The Space Station

The 1990s saw NASA make significant improvements to the shuttle program, pursue a variety of unmanned missions (including the impressive Hubble Space Telescope), continue research in aeronautics and space science, and work on its next major project, an orbiting space station. Hampered by budgetary restraints and widespread criticisms of the initial station design, the project progressed slowly. In the mid-1980s, NASA had announced that the station would be a cooperative effort. Fifteen other nations-including Russia, America's former rival in space-eventually joined with the United States to develop the International Space Station (ISS). Russia's own space station, Mir, orbited the Earth from 1986 to 2001.

In late 1998, the first of more than forty space flights needed to transport and assemble the station in orbit took place. Plans originally called for international crews of up to seven astronauts to stay on the station for three to six months at a time. However, unexpectedly high development costs, plus unexpectedly low financial contributions from Russia, forced NASA to scale back the project to save money. The first crew to inhabit the station arrived in November 2000. Assembly of the station was scheduled for completion around 2004.



1. 保安查了每个看起来在30岁以下人的身份证。
2. 爸爸对歌剧一无所知,他看不出来它有什么好的。
3. 她忽然想到他可能迷路了。

The Departed《无间道风云》(精讲之四)考考你 参考答案

1. 她一点都不在乎他会不会来。
She doesn't give a shit if he comes or not.

2. 买这些圣诞礼物会让我们接下来几个月都经济拮据。
Buying all these Christmas presents will put us in the hole for the next few months.

3. 别告诉我你又要搞砸了。
Don't tell me you're going to fuck up again.

