
The Departed《无间道风云》(精讲之六)

分类: 英美文化 


The Departed《无间道风云》(精讲之六)Billy: Freeze! Hands up!

Colin: Hey! Hey! Hey! Put the fuckin' gun down! Put the gun, put the gun down, all right? I came here to talk some sense into you.

Billy: Hands!

Colin: All right, just act professional. I can get you your money. Just act-

Billy: What did you say? 

Colin: I can get you your money.

Billy: You didn't come here to talk, right? You came here to get arrested.

Colin: You've got fucking tapes... of what? Costello was my informant! I was a rat? Fuck you, prove it! He was working for me, he was my informant.

Billy: Shut your fuckin' mouth, c'mon. Get up!

Colin: Whoa, what is this? A citizen's arrest? Blow me, all right, only one of us is a cop here Bill, you understand that, Bill? No one knows who are you!

Billy: Would you shut the fuck up!

Colin: I'm a sergeant of Massachusetts State Police, who the fuck are you? I erased you!

Billy: You erased me, huh?

Colin: Yeah, go ahead, shoot a cop, Einstein, watch what happens.

Billy: What happen is this bullet go right to your fuckin' head.

Colin: Watch what happens?

Billy: What? So you can't get the parade, huh? The bagpipes and bullshit? Fuck you, fuck you! I'm fuckin' arresting you!

Colin: That's the stupidest thing you could do!

Billy: Shut the fuck up! I don't give a fuck if the charges don't stick, I'm still fuckin' arresting you. Get up!

Brown: Drop your weapon and step away from Sergeant Sullivan! I called you! You specifically!

Bolly: Look. You know who I am, I'm not going to shoot. I told you to meet me downstairs.

Colin: Help, help, help.

Brown: Put your weapon on the deck and step away from Sergeant Sullivan!

Billy: Where's Dignam? I told you to bring Dignam!

Colin: Shoot this motherfucker, would you fuckin' shoot?

Brown: Drop your weapon to the floor and we'll discuss it.

Billy: Look he's Costello's rat! All right? I've got boxes of tapes, evidence, other documents proving it!

Brown: Maybe you do. But right now I need you to drop the weapon.

Billy: I told you I have evidence cold linking this prick to Costello, right?

Colin: Would you shoot this fucking prick?

Billy: You know who I am. You know who I am. I'm taking him down- I'm taking him downstairs now! You know who I am. Shut up.

Colin: I can't wait to see you explain this to a fuckin' Suffolk County jury, you fuckin' cocksucker. This is gonna be fuckin' fun! Just fuckin' kill me. Just fuckin' kill me.

Billy: I am killing you.

Barrigan: Did you think you were the only one he had on the inside? Costello was gonna sell us to the FBI. It's you and me now. You understand? We gotta take care of each other, you understand? Here.

Colin: I attempted to subdue trooper Barrigan, at which time he drew down on me and I was able to squeeze off one shot and struck him in the head. At that time I immediately checked the vitals on both troopers Brown and Costigan and discovered that they had expired. I just wanna go on record. I'm recommending William Costigan for the Medal of Merit.


1. Talk sense

意思是"Speak rationally and coherently 理智连贯地讲话,说话有道理,讲道理", 例如:Ranting and raving won't help; it's time we talk sense.

2. Rat

俚语,指"出卖者,告密人"。Rat 作动词时还可以表示"告密、出卖"这一行为,例如:He ratted on his best friend to the police.

3. Blow

这里的意思是"开枪射杀",常用的片语是blow away,例如:The gang threatened to blow away anyone who talked to the police.

4. Give a fuck

这里的 give a fuck 和我们在The Departed《无间道风云》(精讲之四)中讲的 give a shit 的意思是一样的,都是表示"只在乎一点点",常用于否定,表示"一点都不在乎"。

5. Can't wait

"等不及(要做某事)"的意思,例如:I can't wait to see Papa.

6. Suffolk County

Boston 位于Suffolk County,是那里的首府。

7. Squeeze off

意思是"Fire a gun",例如:He squeezed off one shot after another but didn't bring down a single crow.

8. Go on record

意思是"Embrace a position publicly 公开表明立场",例如: I want to go on record in favor of the mayor's reelection.

这个片语也写作"for the record",例如: For the record, we support sending troops there.


Federal Bureau Of Investigation 美国联邦调查局

The United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is the nation's primary federal investigative service. As the investigative arm of the Department of Justice, FBI was created in 1908 by Attorney General Charles J. Bonaparte over the initial opposition of Congress who feared political abuse of such powers.

The Departed《无间道风云》(精讲之六)The mission of the FBI is to uphold and enforce federal criminal laws, aid international, state, and local police and investigative services when appropriate, and to protect the United States against terrorism and threats to national interests.

The FBI employs nearly 30,000 men and women, including 12,000 special agents. The organization, headquartered in Washington, D.C., is field-oriented, maintaining a network of 56 domestic field offices, 45 foreign posts, and 400 satellite offices (resident agencies). The agency relies on both foreign and domestic intelligence information, to aid its anti-terror operations. As a law enforcement authority, the FBI only has jurisdiction in interstate, or federal, crimes.

During and after World War I, the FBI investigated draft resisters, violators of the Espionage Act of 1917, and alien residents suspected of radicalism. This kind of surveillance marked a shift away from criminal investigations toward individuals thought to be domestic security threats, a group including such diverse figures as Jane Addams and Fiorello La Guardia. Such misuse of the FBI's powers led to reorganization in 1924. The bureau received orders not to engage in wiretapping or to investigate the political activities of individuals. J. Edgar Hoover, appointed director, professionalized the bureau, placing appointments and promotions on a merit basis and developing new crime-fighting techniques.

Despite the ban on political surveillance, World War II and the cold war prompted a wide expansion of security investigations. Under the guise of national security the FBI amassed over thirty-five thousand linear feet of files on individual citizens. Following the death of Hoover and the Watergate scandal in which it was involved, Congress and the attorney general again issued guidelines designed to prevent such abuse. In the late 1970s the FBI shifted its investigations toward organized and white-collar crime.



The Departed《无间道风云》(精讲之六)虽然这是一部翻拍的电影,但是要给所有准备要看这部电影的人提个醒的是:这是一部地道的美国式电影,美国式黑帮片。无论什么东西,都是短促而直接,。所有的人动不动就挥拳头,镜头里随处可见鲜血,几乎没有一句台词不带粗口。



事实上,两部片子的叙述核心本就不同。从片名上,港版的叫《无间道》、《Infernal Affairs》(《地狱之事》),美版的叫《The Departed》(《背叛者》),前者带有佛教的反思意味,充满了个人内心的情感纠缠,探讨了自我迷失和认知这些更深层的问题。而后者更注重抓内鬼这一情节的复杂性,用暴力和粗口将影片涂上重重的黑色。

The Departed《无间道风云》(精讲之六)《无间道》讲的是魔由心生,而《The Departed》讲的是America was born in the streets.







"When I was your age, they would say you could become cops or criminals. What I'm saying is this: When you're facing a loaded gun, what's the difference?"

--《The Departed》



1. 我希望你能和你的儿子讲讲理。

The Departed《无间道风云》(精讲之五)考考你 参考答案

1. 保安查了每个看起来在30岁以下人的身份证。
The security guard ID'ed everyone who looked younger than 30.

2. 爸爸对歌剧一无所知,他看不出来它有什么好的。
Dad has a blind spot about opera; he can't see anything good about it.

3. 她忽然想到他可能迷路了。
It passed through her mind that he might have gotten lost.

