

分类: 实用英语 

· have a barrel of fun极开心

Children had a barrel of fun in the masquerade.

· make fun of someone取笑某人

It is not right to make fun of the disabled.

· play to the gallery哗众取宠,收买人心

He"s so good at playing to the gallery, especially in front of girls.

· gang up on someone结伙对付某人

The local ruffians ganged up on the policemen.

· be in high gear全力进行,快速进行

Construction on the subway is in high gear.

· get away with...逃脱惩罚

Law offenders can"t get away with their offence.

· have the gimmies患伸手病(来自小孩子give me的说法,后来就说成gimmies)

Don"t you know you have grown up? How shameful of you7 to have the gimmes.

· give as good as one gets不服输,不示弱

He is a small boy, but he gives as good as he gets in chess match.

· fit like a glove恰倒好处,非常适合

A: How do you like the frame? B: It fits like a glove. It well matches with the room decoration.

· handle...with kid gloves小心,谨慎对待……

The antique is very precious. You"d better handle it with kid gloves.

· get someone"s goat使人恼怒,惹人生气

The way he boasted that he was an authority got my goat.

· for good永远地

I hope war will disappear for good in the world.

· be too good to be true好的令人难以置信

Yesterday Joe received a letter saying that the company decides to offer her a job with a salary which was too good to be true.

· have the goods on someone有某人犯罪的证据

Fred was sure that he would win the case. He had the goods on the culprit.

· goof off偷懒耍滑

Williams has been goofing off at school and his report card shows it.

· through the grapevine道听途说,小道消息

I hear through the grapevine that Jim has been dismissed from his post.

· The grass is always greener on the other hill这山望着那山高

He wrote to his brother, persuading him to keep his mind on his work and not to think the grass is always greener on the other hill.

· use elbow grease费很大的劲头

How long haven"t you cleaned your kitchen? It"ll use elbow grease to get it shine again.

You have to use a bit of elbow-grease to clean all windows.

· get the green light得到批准

We"re got the green light from our dean that we can have some changes on teaching curriculum.

give the green light给予批准,准许某人干……
The employees can have a day off. The director has given them the green light.

· grin and bear it一笑忍之,相当于汉语的“逆来顺受”

You have had enough insults from your boss. How can you grin and bear it?

