

分类: 实用英语 

· catch someone off guard乘虚而入

Within three days, the run-away was exhausted. He fell asleep in a basement. The police caught him off guard.

· hate somebody"s guts恨之入骨

He dismissed my for no reason at all. I hate his guts.

· kick the habit戒除恶习

You are doomed to be broke one day if you don"t kick the drug habit.

· get in somebody"s hair苦恼某人

Every day, salesmen come to my door. I can"t concentrate on studied. They do get in my hair.

· let one"s hair down无拘无束

Our supervisor is a stone-faced young lady. In front of her, you can"t let your hair down and do what you desire.

· without turning a hair保持冷静的态度,不动声色

The president talked about the international situation without turning a hair.

· a half-wit弱智者

Do you think it is a good idea to send a half-wit to a normal school?

· bite the hand that feeds one恩将仇报

Sorry, I can tell you nothing about my master. Otherwise, I will be biting the hand that feeds me.

· gain the upper hand占上风

In strength, their team gain the upper hand; but in skill, we can have a chip on our shoulder.

· have someone eating out of one"s hand使人完全服从某人的摆布

Money can let him eating out of your hand.

· live from hand to mouth勉强糊口

With three children to support, the window had to live from hand to mouth.

· overplay one"s hand做的过火了,做得过头了

We may have overplayed our hand by urging him to give us an early reply.

· tip one"s hand无意中亮底

Our rival was drunk. He tipped his hand by murmuring that his company will cut down the price of its products.

· try one"s hand at...试着干……

Michael Jordan is a great basketball player, and he has ever tried his hand at baseball.

· fly off the handle大发雷霆

It"s no use flying off the handle. You can reason with us.

· play into someone"s hand正中某人下怀

Think it over. If we reduce the price, I"m sure we"re playing into his hand.

· wash one"s hands off something洗手不干某事

Mr. Butcher, with a long family history of gambling, decided to wash his hand off gambling.

· get the hang of something掌握某事的窍门

I"ve got the hang of the new computer system pretty soon.

· go haywire乱了套

The computer opposes me. Everything goes haywire when I use it.

· bury one"s head in the sand逃避现实

The environmental pollution is getting worse and worse. We can"t bury our head in the sand, or the nature will punish us.

· make neither head nor tail of...对……摸不着头脑

Tim scribbled a note to me during the lecture. But I couldn"t make head or tail of it.

· have one"s head in the clouds满脑子幻想

I know you have been dreaming of becoming a professor. But you shouldn"t have you head in the clouds all the time. Settle down and do something.

· turn one"s head使某人满意

Sara is a successful woman, but she never allows her achievements to turn her head.

