The next morning, Woody woke up stiff and sore. Darkness surrounded him. For a moment he couldn't remember where he was.Then it all came back to h...
A few days later, Andy and his mom decided to take a break from packing to go to Andy's favorite restaurant, Pizza Planet. Mrs. Davis told Andy th...
"Andy?" Woody couldn't believe he'd been left behind. Desperately, he ran after the van, but he couldn't catch up."Doesn...
As Sid leaped off his skateboard and headed up the front path to his house, Buzz peeked out of Sid's backpack."Sheriff," Buzz whispered ...
Tangled in dusty Christmas lights, Woody crawled through the mountains of junk in the closet and finally tumbled out into the hall."Buzz?" h...
In Sid's bedroom, Woody struggled to free himself from his milk-crate prison, but it wouldn't budge. Across the desktop, the once-proud Buzz L...
HOOOONK! Woody and Buzz turned around just in time to see the moving truck driving toward them. With a scream, they ducked. As soon as the truck passe...
A few months later, in Andy's new home A cheery wreath hung on the front door. Lights twinkled around the frosty picture window. Inside the warm a...
1 Break a leg!祝好运!Break a leg本义是断一条腿”。有一种说法是,相传淘气的精灵会让与愿望相反的事发生。于是人们故意说祝你断一条腿”,希望借此骗过那些精灵。最早用于演出前预祝成功,现在使用更加广泛,相当于good luck。例:Break a leg ...
6 It's on the house.这是(本店)免费提供的。On the house就是give away something for free,免费提供。例:All beverages are on the house today.今日所有饮品全都免费供应。On somebody是某人...