

  • This is a recording 这是一段录音

    This is your captain speaking. On behalf of my crew. I'd like to welcome you aboard British Airways flight 602 from New York to London. We are cur...

  • An open-book exam 开卷考试

    On the day of our final exam at my Community College in Santa Maria, Calif., we heard that the bookstore had changed its policy and would buy back our...

  • A Promise 承诺

    The landlady said to the hard-up author: "When will you pay arrears(拖欠,滞付) of room rent?"The author replied: "I will pay you as soon as...

  • He had an idea 想到一个主意

    The speaker found some people leaving the building during the meeting.He was annoyed. Then he had an idea. When someone else started out, the called o...

  • An Accurate Report 准确的报道

    An editor stuck up a notice above his desk. It read, "Accuracy! Accuracy! Accuracy!" and he always pointed it out to the new reporters.One d...

  • Allergy 过敏性反应

    A political speaker was annoyed by a man in the audience. The man coughed and sneezed and blew his nose almost constantly.Finally the speaker was unab...

  • A Regimen 养生之道

    An old man of seventy-six went to a doctor to request a general check up as to the state of his health.The doctor looked him up thoroughly, and then t...

  • A Pretentious Scholar 自命不凡的学者

    A pretentious(自命不凡的) scholar was keen to show off. One day when he was being rowed across a stream, he asked the boatman: "Do you understand phil...

  • It was unnecessary 没有必要

    A man stopped at a place where a subscription(捐献) was being raised for the purpose of fencing the cemetery(墓地). A lot of people had made a donation.Th...

  • An incompetent Lawyer 不称职的律师

    A lawyer was examining a suspect to check whether he was mentally ill.“Who was our first president?“ asked the lawyer. The suspect answered, “Washingt...

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