
An incompetent Lawyer 不称职的律师

分类: 英语笑话 
A lawyer was examining a suspect to check whether he was mentally ill. "Who was our first president?" asked the lawyer. The suspect answered, "Washington." "Right, And who was our second president?" said the lawyer. The suspect answered, "John Adams." "Correct". the lawyer said. Then the lawyer stopped and didn't ask again. His friend said in a whisper, "He's doing very well. Why don't you keep on?" The lawyer said: "Because I am not sure who was the third president myself." 一个律师在讯问一个嫌疑犯,看他是否有精神病。 律师问他:“我们的第一位总统是谁?”嫌疑犯回答说:“是华盛顿。” 律师说:“不错。那第二位是谁呢?”嫌疑犯回答说:“约翰.亚当斯。”律师说:“对的。” 这时律师停下来,不再问了。英语小故事他的朋友小声对他说:“这人回答得不错嘛,你为什么不继续问呢?”律师说:“我自己也不能确定第三位总统是谁了。”

