A story around campus has it that a student once sent a telegram to his parents reading: "Mom-flunked all courses. Kicked out of school, Prepare ...
In class one day, Mr. Johnson pulled Johnny over to his desk after a test, and said, "Johnny, I have a feeling that you have been cheating on you...
Jane: What is the difference between electricity and lighting?Mary: One must pay electricity dues, the other needn't.简:电与闪电有什么区别?玛丽:一个收电费,一个不收费。...
Two boys walk into a bar and sit down to eat their lunches. The bartender says, "Sorry , but you can't eat your own food here." The two ...
Mr William was deaf, but he didn't like people to know this. One evening he asked some friends to dinner. While they were sitting together after d...
Mr Smith telephoned the doctor in the middle of the night."Come quickly, Doctor, You know that my wife sleeps with her mouth open. Well , a mouse...
My husband was enjoying the day off from work and watched me scurry about the house.I picked up his dirty clothes, put away his work shoes, carried ou...
Tom was so excited about his promotion to Vice President of the company he worked for and kept bragging about it to his wife for weeks on end.Finally ...
One day Mark Twain read an announcement of his death in a newspaper. He hastened to the editor to protect."I am very sorry," the editor repl...
The boss was telling jokes. Everyone laughed uproariously. But a girl sitting in the corner was not amused."What's the matter?" complain...