

分类: 趣味英语 

今天我们来介绍一个汉语中没有的好玩单词——mullet。It's actually a hairstyle. If you have a mullet you have long hair at the back but it will be short at the sides and on top. A mullet 就是一种上短,侧短,后边长的特定发型。It is also described as "business in the front, party in the back." 如此形容一个发型是不是很有趣? People make lots of jokes about the mullet hairstyle. The hairstyle was popular during the late 20th century, from the early 1970s to the early 1990s. 这种发型足足流行了20年,真是不简单。说不定哪天mullet潮流会卷土重来呢。


而让Mullet真正流行的功臣,则是演艺界的明星们。他们在各种公开表演场合,镜头前,唱片专辑中顶着一头mullet。甚至著名的白人说唱团体Beastie Boys还在1994年推出了一首名为"Mullet Head"的歌曲。

当然,伴随着mullet的流行,是对这种发型的冷嘲热讽。一些时尚界人士掀起了a trend of anti-mullet sentiment。互联网时代来临后,a number of web sites sprung up with photographs of people with mullets, often accompanied by mocking comments based on stereotypes of mullet-wearers.


还有几个由mullet演化而成的发型。比如说skullet。A skullet is defined by a shaved or otherwise bald head with long hair on the sides and in the back. 再比如 tropical mullet。The tropical mullet, also referred to as a dreadmullet or drullet, is a hybrid of dreadlocks and a mullet. This hairstyle is seen throughout the world, especially among youth.


A: These old photos are really embarrassing!

B: Oh my god! Look at your hair on that one--great mullet!

A: Yeah thanks…



