
Hands-chopping people 剁手族

分类: 趣味英语 
The world's biggest online shopping day on Nov 11 has ended with record sales of 57.1 billion yuan ($9.34 billion) for China's Alibaba. Taobao said that the number of the so-called "hands-chopping people", has reached 1.08 million out of its 500 million registered customers. 全世界最盛大的网络购物节日“双十一”以阿里巴巴571亿元的创纪录销售额画上句号。淘宝方面表示,在其5亿注册用户中,可以称为“剁手族”的已达108万。 "Hands-chopping people" are big online spenders who self-mockingly say that they would like to chop their hands off after buying too much online. “剁手族”其实就是网络购物大户,他们自嘲地表示,因为在网上买了太多东西,他们恨不得将自己的手剁下来。

