

分类: 专业四八级英语 

Test Thirty?Three???


trust, believe, believe in, confide?



是“信任”的意思,指信任某人的内在品质、人格、能力等,也可指“信赖”事物。trust后面接不定式的复合结构(trust sb. to do sth.),表示“放心让某人做某事,相信某人会”。另外,trust后面常跟介词in,也表示“相信,信赖”之意。?



believe in



是指信赖某人以致可以与之倾吐心腹话或内心的秘密。confide作及物动词时,常用在“confide sth. to sb.”;作不及物动词时,后面常与介词in连用,表示信赖某人,对某人讲真话。?

A forgetful man should not trust his memory, but should write things down in a notebook.一个健忘的人不应相信自己的记忆力,而该把事情记在记事本上。?

You can’t trust him to do anything right.你什么事也别指望他能做好。?

She didn’t trust in her son’s ability to look after himself.她不相信儿子有能力照顾自己。?

I find it impossible to believe a single word you say.我发现你的每句话都难以置信。?

Is he really coming? I can hardly believe my ears.他真的要来吗?我简直不敢相信我的耳朵。?

I don’t believe in his honesty.我不相信他诚实。?

They don’t believe in ghosts.他们不相信有鬼神。?

She confided her trouble to her friend.她把自己的烦恼告诉了朋友。


1. Women wearing the gowns were said to look ?____? they had just stepped out of bed.?

A. asB. thatC. as thatD. as though?

2. Your mother will never see you again if you do not marry Mr. Collins, and I will never see you again if you ?____.?

A. willB. doC. haveD. married?

3. The composers soon began to write musical dramas about Bible stories ?____? in church.?

A. to performB. performing ?

C. to be performedD.be performed?

4. At least he was there in time to tell his adventures to Jim while Jim did ?____? of the work.?

A. three?fourthsB. three?fourth?

C. threes?fourths D. threes?fourth?

5. Eventually they went on strike and achieved a reduction in hours to ?____?.?

A. a 52?hour weekB. a 52 hours week?

C. an hour 52 weekD. 52 hours week?

6. You want to tell me, and I have no objection ?____? it.?

A. to hearB. to hearingC. hearingD. having heard?

7. “I?____? poetry as the food of the love,” said Darcy.?

A. have been used to consideringB. have used to consider?

C. use to considerD. used to considering?

8. We have had a most delightful evening.I wish you ?____?there.?

A. have beenB. have goneC. had beenD. are?

9. Elizabeth could not refuse, ?____? she foresaw little pleasure in the visit.?

A. sinceB. forC. thoughD. when?

10. For a long while he waited, not daring to descend from his hiding place ?____? they should come out and catch him in the act.?

A. whenB. lestC. thatD. where?

11. Being poorly dressed can ?____? your chance of getting a job.?

A. ruinB. eliminateC. reduceD. endanger?

12. There is much more ?____? equality between parents and children than in other countries.

A. sociableB. socialC. socialistD. socialistic?

13. After the cameraman had taken two photographs of the ants, he found they had ?____? all over his feet.?

A. gatheredB. swarmedC. crowdedD. flocked?

14. Larry advised me to have a ?____? of brandy because it will make me less nervous.?

A. sipB. mouthC. lickD. bite?

15. The scientists realized it would be too ?____? to lift the ship in one piece because it was fragile.?

A. riskyB. boldC. daringD. dangerous?

16. Overjoyed to see his long?lost friends, Carter ?____? a toast to the health of them all.?

A. suggestedB. recommended ?

C. proposedD. ordered?

17. The whole embarrassing ?____? in the bar was a great disappointment to them and set a bad example of English hospitality.?

A. accidentB. matterC. incidentD. event?

18. Mac learneda lot about himself from this ?____? experience.?

A. hurtfulB. achingC. unfortunateD. miserable?

19. It is hard to imagine a large city without policemen, but such was the ?____?in London in the early 18th century.?

A. conditionB. affairC. environmentD. situation?

20. “Anyone who followed my ?____? of rules would be blessed with a richer life and boundless love from his family,”Tom said.?

A. packetB. packC. setD. group?

21. Richard asked me to ?____? the age of Aaron Copland, the American composer of ballet music, when he composed“Billy the Kid”.?

A. supposeB. thinkC. guessD. count?

22. The king’s daughter threatened to drink the ?____? chemical if he refused her request.?

A. fatalB. deadlyC. mortalD. dangerous?

23. Frank realized fully what he had dreamed about could not ?____? have happened in real life.?

A. likelyB. certainlyC. possiblyD. doubtfully?

24. The research team decided to use an underwater ?____? saw to cut the ship into sections before lifting it up.

A. electricalB. electricC. electricityD. electrifying?

25. Our life has but a short ?____?.?

A. durationB. spanC. episodeD. range


1. D)【句意】据说,穿长袍的女人就像刚从床榻上下来似的。?

【难点】look as though (if ) 后接虚拟语气。?

2. B)【句意】如果你不嫁柯林斯先生,你母亲就不会见你;如果你嫁,我就永远不会见你。?

【难点】do 在本句是助动词,替代marry Mr Collins。?

3. C)【句意】不久,作曲家开始写有关《圣经》故事的音乐剧,想在教堂演出。?

【难点】to be performed 是不定式的被动语态,作定语,修饰musical dramas。?

4. A)【句意】至少在吉姆做完3/4工作的时候,他及时赶到将他的历险告诉了吉姆。?


5. A)【句意】最后,他们举行罢工,并成功地将工作时间缩短到每星期五十二小时。?

【难点】连字符将两个或两个以上的词连接起来的时候,该词可能会成为形容词,如:three?year?old 三岁的,wait ?and ?see 观望的。本句中,52?hour 是形容词,修饰week。?

6. B)【句意】你想告诉我,我不反对。?

【难点】have no objection to doing sth 意为“不反对做某事”,其中to 是介词,后接动名词。?

7. A)【句意】“我已习惯于把诗看作是爱的源泉”,达西说。?

【难点】本句考查used to 和be used to 的区别。used to 是半助动词,后接动词原形,意为“过去常常”,be used to后接 doing 意为“习惯于”。?

8. C)【句意】我们度过了一个愉快的晚上,我但愿你也去了。?

【难点】wish后接虚拟语气的从句,由于动作应发生在过去,所以用了had been。?

9. C)【句意】尽管伊丽沙白预见到这次访问不会愉快,但她不能拒绝。?

【难点】since是“因为,鉴于”; for 是“因为”; though 为“尽管”,when 为“当…时候”。?

10. B)【句意】他等了好久,不敢从藏身处下来,他害怕他们出来,把他当场抓获。?

【难点】lest 后接should +动词原形的虚拟语气句。?

11. A)【句意】衣着不修边幅会影响你找工作。?

【难点】ruin 意为“使…毁灭;糟蹋掉”;eliminate 意为“消除;淘汰”;reduce 意为“减小,缩小”;endanger意为“危及”。

12. B)【句意】家长和孩子之间有更多的社会平等。?

【难点】social 意为“社会的,社会地位的”;sociable 意为“善于交际的”;sociali

st 意为“社会主义的”; socialistic 意为“社会主义的;趋向社会主义的”。?

13. B)【句意】摄影师给那些蚂蚁照了两张相之后,发现蚂蚁爬满了他的脚面。?

【难点】swarm 意为“成群爬来爬去”;gather 意为“集合,召集”;crowd 意为“聚集,群集”; flock意为“群集,聚集”,这四个词中,swarm 主要指虫子; gather和crowd主要用于人;flock 主要用于动物。?

14. A)【句意】拉利建议我呷一口白兰地,因为它能使我放松一点。?

【难点】sip 意为“呷,一小口”;mouth 意为“嘴”,mouthful 才是“一口”;lick 意为“舔”;bite意为“咬,叮”。?

15. A)【句意】科学家认为将船整体吊起太冒险,因为船太不结实了。?

【难点】risky 意为“冒险的,有风险的”;bold 意为“胆大的”; daring意为“勇敢的,敢冒险的,大胆的”;dangerous 意为“危险的”。 bold 与daring 辨析:bold 指具有向困难或危险境况挑战的倾向,daring形容人胆大,敢于冒险。常指在危险情况下,能灵活机智地采取行动。risky和dangerous辨析: risky含有较强的“主动去冒险”的意味,并强调因客观形势变化而造成的突然的危险。dangerous可指肯定的,迫在眉睫的危险,也可指遥远的,不一定发生的危险。?

16. C)【句意】见到久别的朋友喜出望外,卡持提议为各位的健康干杯。?

【难点】propose 意为“提议祝(酒);提议干杯”;suggest 意为“建议,提议”;recommend意为“推荐,举荐”;order意为“定购,预定”。?

17. C)【句意】酒吧里发生的那件令人不安的事件令他们非常失望,因为那树立了一个英国人好客的很坏的典范。?

【难点】incident 意为“事件”,指随着某事件附带发生的事件或较小的事件;accident意为“不幸的意外事故”;matter意为“事情,事件”; event意为“事件,大事”,尤指历史事件。?

18. C)【句意】麦克从这段不幸的经历了解了自己。?

【难点】unfortunate 意为“不幸的,倒霉的”;hurtful 意为“使人痛苦的,伤感情的”;aching意为“疼痛的,使人痛苦的”;miserable 意为“悲惨的,可悲的”。?

19. D)【句意】很难想像一个大城市没有警察,但是十八世纪初叶的伦敦就是这样。?

【难点】situation意为“情况,处境;状态”;condition 意为“条件,状况”;affair意为“事情,事件”;environment 意为“环境,周围情况”。condition和situation辨析:condition 指事物或人所处的环境或由其他原因产生的特殊情况;situation 指一个特定时期内的形势或局面,这种状况一般由相关的综合环境条件决定。?

20. C)【句意】汤姆说:任何遵循我这套规则的人都会得到保佑,过上更富裕的生活,受到家人无限爱戴。?

【难点】set意为“一套,一副”;packet 意为“一小群,一小股”; pack 意为“小包,小盒”;group 意为“组群”。?

21. C)【句意】理查得叫我猜美国巴蕾音乐作曲家阿兰•考普兰在为《孩童贝利》谱曲时的年龄。?

【难点】guess 意为“猜,猜测”;suppose 意为“想,认为,以为”;think 亦为“认为,以为”;count意为“看作,算作”。?

22. B)【句意】国王女儿威胁说如果国王拒绝她的要求,她就服毒自杀。?

【难点】这里,前三个词都有“致死的,致命的”之意,但有所不同。deadly表示致死的可能性极大,用于能引起死亡或可能的死亡的事物,如 a deadly disease 是通常会致死的疾病;a deadly weapon 是致命的武器。fatal 强调命运或必然性,用来形容导致毁灭,灾难,死亡的潜在或实际原因。在预测未来时,多用fatal。mortal 指死亡已经发生或一定会发生,


23. C)【句意】弗兰克完全意识到他所梦幻的东西不可能在现实生活中发生。?

【难点】possibly 意为“可能地”,常用于否定句,或疑问句,前面与can 或could 连用,表示“可能…”或“不可能…”。likely 是形容词,意为“很可能”,后接名词或从句; certainly意为“一定,必定”;doubtfully意为“怀疑地”。?

24. B)【句意】研究小组决定用水下电锯把船分解成若干块再将其吊起。?

【难点】electric 意为“用电的,电动的”;electrical 意为“电学的,由电发生的”;electricity 意为“电,电气”;electrify 意为“使电气化”。?

25. B)【句意】人生只不过短短一段时间。?

【难点】span 意为“(有限的)时间,期间”;life span 意为“寿命”;duration意为“(时间的)持续,持久”;episode意为“插曲”;range意为“范围,幅度”。

