

分类: 专业四八级英语 

Test Thirty?Two???


refuse, reject, decline, deny, repel?









常常作“否认,否定”讲,其后可接名词、代词、动名词或that?从句。另外,deny也可作“拒绝给予”讲,这时多接双宾语,即用在deny sb. sth.结构中,并且可以与refuse互换,不过语气要比refuse更坚决。?



It is the stupid who refuse to be taught by mistake.只有蠢人才拒绝从错误中吸取教训。?

The patient’s body rejected the heart transplant.病人的身体对心脏移植有排斥反应。?

She declined to have lunch with us, saying that she ?wasn’t? feeling well.她说身体不适而婉言谢绝与我们共进午餐。?

He doesn’t dare to deny the charges, does he?他不敢否认这些指控。?

Fire repels wild animals.火使野兽不敢靠近。


1. He kept asking questions, but not a word ?____?.?

A. could we understandB. we could understand?

C. we understand couldD. understand could we?

2. Milk is sold ?____? bottle nearly everywhere in China.?

A. by theB. with aC. in aD. in the?

3. I ?____? to go to London today, but when the fortune teller warned me not to travel, I postponed the trip.?

A. had intended B. was intending?

C. would intendD. was intended?

4. He has no alternative but ?____? and ask his brother for assistance.?

A. to goB. goC. goingD. will go?

5. Even when stranded in an isolated village by snow, ?____?.?

A. it seemed my journey was still exciting?

B. my journey still seemed exciting?

C. I still thought my journey exciting?

D. my journey was still thought to be exciting?

6. “Let’s go, Tom. It’s time we ?____?”“All right, Mary. I’ll finish itin a few seconds.”?A. play baseballB. played baseball?

C. will play baseballD. are playing baseball?

7. After a while, he left Newton’s to start ?____? his own as an illustrator.?

A. forB. withC. asD. on?

8. No sooner ?____? than the parrot flew out and settled in the same tree as the cat.?

A. had Mary opened the cage?

B. Mary opened the cagethat?

C. did Mary open the cage?

D. Mary opened the cage when?

9. ?____?, you would have seen my nephew, a very outs tanding and promising boy.?

A.Had you arrived earlierB. I you arrived earlier?

C. Did you arrive earlierD. Unless you had arrived earlier?

10. ?____? told by the doctor to stop smoking, Mr. Smith carried neither matches nor cigarettes.?

A. Had beenB. Have been C. Having been D. Has been?

11. When you take medicine, be careful not to ?____? that amount printed on the bottle.?

A. exceedB. substituteC. exertD. surpass?

12. The football match was televised ?____? from the worker’s stadium.?

A. aliveB. alikeC. livelyD. live?

13. Use your library to learn which animals ?____? the desert.?

A. liveB. occupyC. inhabitD. settle?

14. The important statement was soon ?____? all over the world by radio.?

A. broughtB. carriedC. takenD. transformed?

15. Our next?door neighbors have ?____?us to have the same kind of carpeting as they have.?

A. persuadedB. insistedC. convincedD. suggested?

16. Although it was ?____? jewellery, it looked real enough.?

A. untrueB. imitationC. inventedD. false?

17. The plate glass must be capable of ?____? very high temperature.?

A. sustainingB. retainingC. obtainingD. maintaining?

18. The upset woman gave an ?____? of the killer’s second attack.?

A. illustrationB. accountC. analysisD. explanation?

19. Dr. Jones checked the patient’s ?____? carefully before making his treatment.?

A. symbolsB. symptomsC. signsD. conditions?

20. In order to buy the house she had to obtain a ?____? from the bank.?

A. depositB. capitalC. debtD. loan?

21. The company is looking for a new ?____? for another branch office.?

A. positionB. postC. pointD. site?

22. The old family ?____? in China has undergone some change since liberation.?

A. patternB. shapeC. formD. institution?

23. “I have to go to see my doctor this afternoon.”?

“Would you like me to ?____? with you?”?

A. sendB. escortC. accompanyD. campaign?

24. Knowing that more teachers will come to visit her class ?____? her on.?

A. spurredB. promotedC. thrilledD. excited?

25. The Olympic Games winners received a gold medal as a(n) ?____?.?

A. rewardB. praiseC. awardD. gift


1. A)【句意】他不断地问问题,可我们一个字也听不懂。?

【难点】not, never, hardly, by no means 等否定词位于句首时可引导倒装。?

2. A)【句意】在中国差不多所有地方,牛奶都按瓶出售。?

【难点】sell by the bottle , pay by the hour, die by the hundred 等短语属习惯性搭配。?

3. A)【句意】我原打算今天去伦敦,可是算命先生警告我不要外出,我就推迟了这次旅程。?

【难点】表示“本打算,本希望”这一概念时,一般用had intended 或had hoped,后面接动词不定式。?

4. A)【句意】他别无选择,只好请他弟弟帮忙。?

【难点】have no alternative(choice) but to do 是个习惯搭配,意为“别无选择,只好…”。?

5. C)【句意】即使被大雪困在一个孤村里,我还是认为我的旅程很刺激。?

【难点】when 引导的状语从句省略了 I was 。主句和分句的主语要做到语法一致,所以选C)。?

6? B)【句意】“我们走吧,汤姆,到了该打垒球的时候了。”“好的,玛丽,我马上就完。”?

【难点】It’s time +从句,这一结构,要求从句中使用一般过去时的虚拟语气。?

7. D)【句意】过了一段时间,他离开牛顿家,独自一人去作插图画家。?

【难点】on one’s own 是习惯搭配,意为“独自一人”。?

8. A)【句意】玛丽一打开鸟笼,鹦鹉就飞了出来,并落在猫所在的那棵树上。?

【难点】no sooner 引导倒装,主句应使用过去完成时,后接than。?

9. A)【句意】你要是早到点,就看见我外甥了——一个杰出的、前途无量的小伙子。?

【难点】Had you arrived earlier 是if you had arrived earlier的倒装形式,是与过去事实相反的虚拟条件句。?

10. C)【句意】医生告诉他别再吸烟后,史密斯先生既不带火柴也不带香烟。?


11. A)【句意】吃药的时候,小心不要超过药瓶上规定的药量。?

【难点】exceed意为“超过(限度),超越”;substitute意为“代替,代用”;exert意为“发挥,运用”,后接on; surpass 意为“优于,胜过,超过”。?

12. D)【句意】足球赛从工人体育场作现场电视直播。?

【难点】live是形容词,意为“(广播,电视)实况的”;alive 意为“活的,有活力的”,作表语;alike意为“相似的,相同的”,亦只作表语;lively 意为“活泼的,活跃的”。?

13. C)【句意】到图书馆去查哪些动物居住于沙漠。?

【难点】inhabit 意为“居住于”,是及物动词;live是“居住”,是一个不及物动词;occupy 意为“占领,占据”;settle 意为“定居,安顿”,是不及物动词。?

14. B)【句意】这个重要宣言很快传遍了全世界。?

【难点】carry 意为“携带,传达,广播”;bring 意为“带来,拿来”;take 意为“拿走”;transform 意为“改变(外观等)”。?

15. A)【句意】我的隔壁邻居劝我们铺他们家那样的地毯。?

【难点】persuade 意为“劝说,劝服”,常用于persuade sb to do 结构中;insist意为“主张,坚持”,常于on连用,后接动名词;convince 意为“使信服”;suggest 意为“提议,建议”。?

16. B)【句意】虽然这是人造宝石,但看上去足够逼真。?

【难点】imitation jewellery 意为“人造宝石”,其它词与jewellery 搭配不恰当。untrue意为“非真实的”;invented 意为“发明的”;false 意为“假的”。?

17. A)【句意】厚玻璃板一定能承受很高的温度。?

【难点】sustain 意为“支撑,支持,承受”;retain 意为“保存,保持”;obtain意为“获得,达到”;maintain 意为“维修,保养”。?

18. B)【句意】受惊的妇女描述了杀手的第二次进攻。?

【难点】account意为“描写,描述”;illustration意为“插图,说明”;analysis 意为“分析”; explanation意为“解释”。?

19. B)【句意】琼斯大夫检查了病人的症状后才作治疗。?

【难点】symptom 意为“症候,征状”;symbol 意为“象征,符号”;sign意为“记号,标志,迹象”;condition 意为“状态,条件”。?

20. D)【句意】为了买房子,她不得不从银行贷款。?

【难点】loan 意为“贷款”;deposit 意为“存款,押金”;capital 意为“资本,资金”;debt 意为“债务”。?

21. D)【句意】公司正为另一家分公司找新地点。?

【难点】site 意为“地点,用地”;position 意为“位置,地位”;post 意为“职位,工作岗位”;point 意为“尖端,点,度”。?

22. A)【句意】中国旧的家庭模式从解放以来已经历一些变化。?

【难点】pattern 意为“样式,模式”;shape意为“状态,形态”;form 意为“形式,格式”;institution 意为“习俗,制度”。?

23. C)【句意】“我今天下午得去看医生。”“你想叫我陪你去吗?”?

【难点】accompany 意为“伴随,同行”;send意为“送,派”;escort 意为“护卫,护送”;campaign 意为“从事竞选活动”。?

24. A)【句意】知道有更多的老师要来听她的课,她很受鼓舞。?

【难点】spur 意为“鼓舞,刺激”,常与on 连用,promote 意为“促进,促销;晋级”;thrill意为“使人心情激动,使人热血沸腾”;excite意为“兴奋,刺激”。后三个词都不与on连用。?

25. C)【句意】奥运会冠军得主都获得金牌作为奖赏。?

【难点】award意为“奖励,奖赏”; reward意为“报酬”;praise 意为“表扬,赞扬”;gift 意为“礼物,赠品”。

