

分类: TOEFL托福英语  时间: 2023-12-06 12:55:08 

derivation n. the act or process of deriving; the form or source from which something is derived; an origin; the historical origin and development of a word

descend v. to move from a higher to a lower place; come or go down; to slope, extend, or incline downward; to come down from a source; derive

describe v. to depict; to illustrate; to explain; to characterize; to elucidate; to give an account of

description n. explanation; illustration; instruction

desert adj. of, relating to, characteristic of, or inhabiting a desert; barren and uninhabited; desolate

desert n. a barren or desolate area; an empty or forsaken place; a wasteland

desert v. to leave empty or alone; abandon; to withdraw from, especially in spite of a responsibility or duty; forsake

deserve v. to be worthy of; to have a right to

design n. plan; sketch; model; layout; structure

design v. to make plans for; to formulate; to create; to conceive; to think up; to intend; to produce; to conceptualize

designate v. to indicate or specify; point out; to select and set aside for a duty, an office, or a purpose

despiteprep. notwithstanding

destination n. place where one is going; place where something is sent; the purpose for which something is destined

destroy v. to demolish; to ruin; to destruct; to erase

destruction n. ruin; desolation; annihilation

detachment n. the act or process of disconnecting or detaching; separation; the state of being separate or detached; indifference to or remoteness from the concerns of others; aloofness

detail v. to list; to describe; to specify; to assign; to delegate; to enumerate

detailed adj. itemized; containing details; marked by abundant detail or by thoroughness in treating small items or parts

detain v. to keep from proceeding; delay or retard; to keep in custody or temporary confinement

detect v. to discover; to discern; to find out

detention n. the act of detaining; the state or a period of being detained

deteriorate v. to diminish or impair in quality, character, or value; to grow worse; degenerate; to weaken or disintegrate; decay

determine v. to decide; to define; to settle; to conclude; to cause; to affect

detest v. to dislike intensely; abhor

detrimental adj. causing damage or harm; injurious

devaluation n. a reduction in the value of one currency in relation to other currencies

devastate v. to lay waste; destroy; to overwhelm; confound; stun

deviate v. to turn aside from a course or way; to depart, as from a norm, purpose, or subject; stray

device n. apparatus; hardware component which can send or receive date (Computers); appliance; gadget; trick; scheme

devise v. to plan; to invent; to design

devitalize v. to diminish or destroy the strength or vitality of

devote v. to give or apply (one's time, attention, or self) entirely to a particular activity, pursuit, cause, or person; to set apart for a specific purpose or use; to set apart by or as if by a vow or solemn act; consecrate

dictate v. to say something aloud for someone to write down; to command; to order; to impose

diet n. nourishment; nutrition; food and drink; regimen; weight loss plan

diet v. to limit the amount of food eaten; to eat only certain kinds of food

diffuse v. to pour out and cause to spread freely; to spread about or scatter; disseminate; to make less brilliant; soften

digit n. one of the ten Arabic number symbols, 0 through 9; a human finger or toe

digital adj. using numbers; with numbers; based on digits

dignity n. respected position; honor; nobility

diligent adj. ambitious; industrious; hard-working; characterized by steady, earnest, and energetic effort

directory n. guidebook; library; catalog; subdivision of a disk in which files are stored (Computers); web portal site

disappear v. to go out of sight; to become extinct; to cease to exist; to vanish; opposite of to appear

disavow v. to disclaim knowledge of, responsibility for, or association with

discard n. garbage; refuse; scrap

discard v. to throw away; to get rid of

discern v. to distinguish; to perceive; to recognize; to discriminate

discharge n. the act of removing a load or burden; a flowing out or pouring forth; emission; secretion; something that is discharged, released, emitted, or excreted

discharge v. to relieve of a burden or of contents; unload; to release, as from confinement, care, or duty; to remove from office or employment

discipline n. training

disclaim v. to deny connection with; to renounce; to repudiate; to disavow

disclaimer n. statement which denies responsibility or affiliation; act of disclaiming; repudiation; renouncing of a claim; denial

discord n. Lack of agreement among persons, groups, or things; Tension or strife resulting from a lack of agreement; dissension; An inharmonious combination of simultaneously sounded tones (Music)

discord v. to fail to agree or harmonize; clash

discount n. price reduction; rebate

discount v. to disregard; to ignore; to reduce the price of; to mark down; to give a discount

discourage v. to cause to lose heart; to deter; to dissuade; to show disapproval of; to derail

discouraged adj. deprived of hope or confidence; dissuaded from

discouragement n. derailment; feeling of despair in the face of obstacles

discourse n. verbal expression in speech or writing; verbal exchange; conversation

discourse v. to speak or write formally and at length; to engage in conversation or discussion; converse

discover v. to find out; to come across; to gain knowledge; to learn of something; to get information about something

discredit n. loss of or damage to one's reputation; lack or loss of trust or belief; doubt; something damaging to one's reputation or stature

discredit v. to damage in reputation; disgrace; to cause to be doubted or distrusted; to refuse to believe

discrete adj. separate; individual; discontinuous

discretion n. caution; wisdom; careful judgment

discriminate v. to make a clear distinction; distinguish; to make distinctions on the basis of class or category without regard to individual merit; show preference or prejudice

disdain n. a feeling or show of contempt and aloofness; scorn

disdain v. to regard or treat with haughty contempt; despise; to consider or reject as beneath oneself

disease n. sickness; illness

disembark v. to go ashore from a boat; to leave a plane or vehicle; to land

disgruntle v. to make discontented

disguise n. the act or an instance of disguising; clothes or accessories worn to conceal one's true identity; appearance that misrepresents the true character of something

disguise v.to modify the manner or appearance of in order to prevent recognition; to conceal or obscure by dissemblance or false show; misrepresent

dislocate v. to put out of usual or proper place, position, or relationship; to throw into confusion or disorder; disrupt

dislodge v. to extricate; to remove; to evict; to oust; to expel

dismal adj. gloomy; cheerless; bad; depressing; sad

dismay n. a sudden or complete loss of courage in the face of trouble or danger

