

分类: GRE-GMAT英语 

credo :: creed
credulity :: belief on slight evidence
creed :: system of religious or ethical belief
crescendo :: increase in the volume of sound in a musical passage
crevice :: crack; fissure
criterion :: standard used in judging
crone :: hag
cruet :: small glass bottle for vinegar, oil, etc.
crux :: crucial point
crypt :: secret recess or vault, usually used for burial
cubicle :: small chamber used for sleeping
cuisine :: style of cooking
cul-de-sac :: blind alley; trap
culmination :: attainment of highest point
culvert :: artificial channel for water
cupidity :: greed
curator :: superintendent; manager
curmudgeon :: churlish, miserly individual
cynic :: one who is skeptical or distrustful of human motives
cynosure :: the object of general attention
dais :: raised platform for guests of honor
dastard :: coward
dearth :: scarcity
debacle :: breaking up; downfall
debenture :: bond issued to secure a loan
debutante :: young woman making formal entrance into society
decadence :: decay
declivity :: downward slope
decoy :: lure or bait
decrepitude :: state of collapse caused by illness or old age
defamation :: harming a person"s reputation
default :: failure to do
defection :: desertion
deference :: courteous regard for another"s wish
delineation :: portrayal
delirium :: mental disorder marked by confusion
delusion :: false belief; hallucination
demagogue :: person who appeals to people"s prejudice; false leader of people
demeanor :: behavior; bearing
demesne :: domain; land over which a person has full sovereignty
demise :: death
demolition :: destruction
denizen :: inhabitant of
denotation :: meaning; distinguishing by name

