

分类: GRE-GMAT英语 
denouement :: outcome; final development of the plot of a play
deposition :: testimony under oath
depravity :: corruption; wickedness
depredation :: plundering
derision :: ridicule
dermatologist :: one who studies the skin and its diseases
desideratum :: that which is desired
despotism :: tyranny
desuetude :: disused condition
detergent :: cleansing agent
detonation :: explosion
detraction :: slandering; aspersion
detriment :: harm; damage
diadem :: crown
dialectic :: art of debate
diatribe :: bitter scolding; invective
dichotomy :: branching into two parts
dictum :: authoritative and weighty statement
diffidence :: shyness
diffusion :: wordiness; spreading in all directions like a gas
dilapidation :: ruin because of neglect
dilemma :: problem; choice of two unsatisfactory alternatives
dilettante :: aimless follower of the arts; amateur; dabbler
diminution :: lessening; reduction in size
dint :: means; effort
dipsomaniac :: on who has a strong craving for intoxicating liquor
disavowal :: denial; disclaiming
discretion :: prudence; ability to adjust actions to circumstances
dishabille :: in a state of undress
disparity :: difference; condition of inequality
dispersion :: scattering
disquisition :: a formal systematic inquiry
dissection :: analysis; cutting apart in order to examine
dissertation :: formal essay
dissonance :: discord
dissuasion :: advice against
distortion :: twisting out of shape
diva :: operatic singer; prima donna
diversity :: variety; dissimilitude
divination :: foreseeing the future with aid of magic

