

分类: GRE-GMAT英语 

cloister :: monastery or convent
coadjutor :: assistant; colleague
cockade :: decoration worn on hat
codicil :: supplement to the body of a will
cog :: tooth projecting from a wheel
cognizance :: knowledge
cognomen :: family name
cohesion :: force which keeps parts together
cohorts :: armed band
colander :: utensil with perforated bottom used for straining
collateral :: security given for loan
collation :: a light meal
collier :: worker in coal mine; ship carrying coal
colloquy :: informal discussion
collusion :: conspiring in a fraudulent scheme
comestible :: something fit to be eaten
comity :: courtesy; civility
compact :: agreement; contract
compendium :: brief comprehensive summary
compilation :: listing of statistical information in tabular or book form
complement :: that which completes
complicity :: participation; involvement
compunction :: remorse
conception :: beginning; forming of an idea
conch :: large seashell
conclave :: private meeting
concomitant :: that which accompanies
concordat :: agreement, usually between the papal authority and the secular
condiments :: seasonings; spices
conduit :: aqueduct; passageway for fluids
conformity :: harmony; agreement
conglomeration :: mass of material sticking together
congruence :: correspondence of parts; harmonious relationship
conifer :: pine tree; cone-bearing tree
conjecture :: surmise; guess
connivance :: pretense of ignorance of something wrong; assistance
connoisseur :: person competent to act as a judge of art, etc; a lover of an art
connotation :: suggested or implied meaning of an expression
consanguinity :: kinship
consensus :: general agreement
constraint :: compulsion; repression of feelings
context :: writings preceding and following the passage quoted
continence :: self-restraint; sexual chastity
contortions :: twistings; distortions
contraband :: illegal trade; smuggling
contumely :: scornful insolence; insult
contusion :: bruise
conveyance :: vehicle; transfer
coquette :: flirt
cordon :: extended line of men or fortifications to prevent access or egress
cormorant :: greedy, rapacious bird
cornice :: projecting molding on building usually above columns
correlation :: mutual relationship
corsair :: pirate; pirate ship
cortege :: procession
coterie :: group that meets socially; select circle
counterpart :: a thing that completes another; things very much alike
covenant :: agreement
credence :: belief

