

分类: GRE-GMAT英语 
mitigate :: appease
mollify :: soothe
molt :: shed or cast off hair or feathers
mortify :: humiliate; punish the flesh
muddle :: confuse; mix up
mulct :: defraud a person of something
muse :: ponder
mutilate :: maim
nauseate :: cause to become sick; fill with disgust
nettle :: annoy; vex
nonplus :: bring to a halt by confusion
nurture :: bring up; feed; educate
obfuscate :: confuse; muddle
objurgate :: scold; rebuke severely
obliterate :: destroy completely
obtrude :: push into prominence
obviate :: make unnecessary; get rid of
ogle :: glance coquettishly at; make eyes at
oscillate :: vibrate pendulumlike; waver
ossify :: change or harden into bone
ostracize :: exclude from public favor; ban
palliate :: ease pain; make less guilty of offensive
palpitate :: throb; flutter
pander :: cater to the low desires of others
paraphrase :: restate a passage in one"s own words while retaining thought of author
parry :: ward off a blow
peculate :: steal; embezzle
permeate :: pass through; spread
perpetrate :: commit an offense
perturb :: disturb greatly
petrify :: turn to stone
philander :: make love lightly; flirt
pillage :: plunder
pillory :: punish by placing in a wooden frame and subjecting to ridicule
pinion :: restrain
placate :: pacify; conciliate
pommel :: beat
portend :: foretell; presage
prate :: speak foolishly; boast idly
prattle :: babble
precipitate :: throw headlong; hasten
preclude :: make impossible; eliminate
preempt :: appropriate beforehand

