

分类: GRE-GMAT英语 
imply :: suggest a meaning not expressed; signify
importune :: beg earnestly
imprecate :: curse; pray that evil will befall
improvise :: compose on the spur of the moment
impugn :: doubt; challenge; gainsay
impute :: attribute; ascribe
incapacitate :: disable
incarcerate :: imprison
incarnadine :: stain crimson or blood-color
incite :: arouse to action
incriminate :: accuse
incubate :: hatch; scheme
inculcate :: teach
indemnify :: make secure against loss; compensate for loss
indenture :: bind as servant or apprentice to master
indict :: charge
indite :: write; compose
infer :: deduce; conclude
infringe :: violate; encroach
ingratiate :: become popular with
inhibit :: prohibit; restrain
insinuate :: hint; imply
instigate :: urge; start; provoke
integrate :: make whole; combine; make into one unit
inter :: bury
interdict :: prohibit; forbid
intimate :: hint
intrude :: trespass; enter as an uninvited person
inundate :: overflow; flood
invalidate :: weaken; destroy
inveigh :: denounce; utter censure or invective
inveigle :: lead astray; wheedle
iterate :: utter a second time; repeat
jettison :: throw overboard
lacerate :: mangle; tear
lampoon :: ridicule
languish :: lose animation; lose strength
lave :: wash
limn :: portray; describe vividly
liquidate :: settle accounts; clear up
loathe :: detest
lope :: gallop slowly
macerate :: waste away
maim :: mutilate; injure
malign :: speak evil of; defame
manipulate :: operate with the hands
manumit :: emancipate; free from bondage
masticate :: chew
maunder :: talk incoherently; utter drivel
meander :: to wind or turn in its course
mediate :: settle a dispute through the services of an outsider
memorialize :: commemorate
mesmerize :: hypnotize
mete :: measure; distribute
militate :: work against

