Be wellSome people find this grating. Not appropriate for a business email.有些人认为不太好听,在商业邮件中不合适。PeaceRetro, this sign-off wears its politics on its sle...
Take careIn the right instances, especially for personal emails, this works.在适合的情况下,尤其是私人邮件,这个很有用。ThanksLett says this is a no-no. "This is not a...
BestThis is the most ubiquitous; it's totally safe. I recommend it highly and so do the experts.最普遍;最安全。我和专家们都极力推荐这个。My BestA little stilted. Etiq...
hot and humid 湿热hot and dry 干热hot spell 连续高温天气heat stroke/sunstroke 中暑heat wave 热浪heat-related illnesses 高温病heat-resistant 抗热的/耐热的sauna days 桑拿天sizzli...
未雨绸缪 get ourselves ready for all sorts of possibilities崩盘 meltdown跳水 nosedive和平稳定的政治环境 peaceful and stable political environment《布加勒斯特纲要》 Bucharest Gu...
母爱 maternal love; mother love; a mother's love for her children; maternal affection父爱 paternal love父母的爱 parental love父母子女间的爱 love between parent a...
Give up指放弃努力、投降;abandon强调不再关心或支持;desert的指责意味更强;forsake用于对亲密关系的放弃。Give up的意思是认输、停止努力。比如某宅男看到女神躺在高富帅的怀里,就留下一句祝你幸福”转身走开,这就叫give her up。Abandon的意思是彻...
bottle baby"抱着瓶子的宝宝"是什么意思?告诉你吧,这个习语指的是酒鬼。酒鬼每天抱着酒瓶,这么一联想非常好记。例句: The bottle babies sat there, waiting to be thrown out at closing time. 酒鬼们坐在...
十年寒窗 A student's long years of academic study开卷有益 Reading is always profitable学无止境 Knowledge has no limit业精于勤 Excellence in work is possible only ...