
英文邮件结尾用词 上

分类: 英语学习方法  时间: 2023-12-07 17:13:59 


This is the most ubiquitous; it's totally safe. I recommend it highly and so do the experts.


My Best

A little stilted. Etiquette consultant Lett likes it.


My best to you

Lett also likes this one. I think it's old-fashioned.


All Best



All the best

This works too.


Best Wishes

Seems too much like a greeting card but it's not bad.



I know people who like this but I find it fussy. Why do you need the extra "s"?


Best Regards

More formal than the ubiquitous "Best". I use this when I want a note of formality.



Fine, anodyne, helpfully brief. I use this.



I used to use this but stopped, because it's trying too hard to be abbreviated. Why not type three more letters? OK if you're sending it from your phone.

 我过去常用这个但是现在没用了,缩写太过了点。为什么不多写几个字母?如果是用手机发邮件的话,这个OK 。

Warm Regards

I like this for a personal email to someone you don't know very well, or a business email that is meant as a thank-you.


Warmest Regards

As good as Warm Regards, with a touch of added heat.

 跟Warm Regards一样好,且更增添了一丝温暖。


I use this often for personal emails, especially if I'm close to someone but not in regular touch.



This is a nice riff on the "warm" theme that can safely be used among colleagues.

 这是一个关于 “warm” 主题很好的结尾,在同事之间使用很安全。

