
英文邮件结尾用词 中

分类: 英语学习方法  时间: 2023-12-07 17:13:58 

Take care

In the right instances, especially for personal emails, this works.



Lett says this is a no-no. "This is not a closing. It's a thank-you," she insists. I disagree. Forbes Leadership editor Fred Allen uses it regularly and I think it's an appropriate, warm thing to say. I use it too.



This rubs me the wrong way because I used to have a boss who ended every email this way. She was usually asking me to perform a task and it made her sign-off seem more like a stern order, with a forced note of appreciation, than a genuine expression of gratitude. But in the right context, it can be fine.


Thank you

More formal than "Thanks." I use this sometimes.


Thank you!

This doesn't have the same grating quality as "Thanks!" The added "you" softens it.

 这个不会像“Thanks”那么让人不悦!“You” 缓和了语气。

Many thanks

I use this a lot, when I genuinely appreciate the effort the recipient has undertaken.


Thanks so much

I also like this and use it, especially when someone -- a colleague, a source, someone with whom I have a business relationship -- has put time and effort into a task or email.


Thanks for your consideration.

A tad stilted with a note of servility, this can work in the business context, though it's almost asking for a rejection. Steer clear of this when writing a note related to seeking employment.



I predict this will gain in popularity as our emails become more like texts.


Hope this helps

I like this in an email where you are trying to help the recipient.


Looking forward

I use this too. I think it's gracious and warm, and shows you are eager to meet with the recipient.



This works when you really are rushing. It expresses humility and regard for the recipient.


In haste

Also good when you don't have time to proofread.


