Come rain or shine” 是一个副词短语,意思是 不管发生什么事情”,即 无论如何,某件事情一定会发生”。它与汉语中所说的 风雨无阻” 意思相同,所以既可以用来谈论天气,也可以谈论一般情况。例句No matter how difficul...
表达 hope for the best” 被用来表示 人们希望一件事情能有个好结果,要尽量往好处想”。但通常情况下,人们使用这个表达来暗示事情的结果可能不尽人意。例句I don't know if I've got the job yet. I'll...
人们用 hope springs eternal” 这句话来表达 希望总是存在的,即使它看起来不太可能”。它可以被用来描述一件不太可能发生但我们希望它发生的事情。这个说法出自18世纪英国诗人亚历山大·蒲柏(Alexander Pope)的诗歌《人论》,诗中写道:...
短语 a fighting chance” 用来描述做某件事情的可能性。它暗示虽然成功的可能性很小,但值得一搏。只要付出巨大的努力,奋勇一搏,就有可能获取成功。这个名词短语通常与动词 have” 搭配使用,即 have a fighting chance(有获得成功的一线可能...
集思广益,汉语成语,意思是汇集众人的思考与智慧,广泛吸取有益意见,以获得更好的效果(to work more effectively by extensively drawing on ideas and wisdom of many people)。可以翻译为pool wisdom from th...
1 An apple a day keeps the doctor away! 一天一苹果,医生远离我!My sister only eats her fruits and vegetables if my mom reminds her that "An apple a day keep...
Have a Change of Heart 改变心意Definition: Change one's mind.定义:改变某人的想法Fred had a change of heart and invited the young boy into his home.弗雷德改变了主意,邀请那...
Break Someone's Heart 伤透某人的心Definition: Hurt someone, usually romantically, or to cause some great disappointment.定义:伤害某人,通常是浪漫的,或者引起一些极大的失望。Angel...
1. It's an earworm. 这旋律真是挥之不去。Earworm”耳朵虫指常在耳边回响的歌曲或旋律”,就好像虫子一样在脑海里钻来钻去。2. It's a really catchy tune. 这曲子既动听又朗朗上口。形容词catchy”...
1 pass the time关于pass,时间过得特别快可以说Time passes so quickly”,而打发时间可以说pass the time。When Paula was ill, I took her some magazines to help her pass the...