Everybody is freaking out about how Turkey's currency is in a tailspin . The lira plunged 17% against the dollar and 18% against the euro on Frida...
August 12, Got7 member-Hong Kong rapper Jackson Wang won the Choice Next Big Thing award at the Teen Choice Awards 2018.八月十二日, Got7组合成员——香港说唱歌手王嘉尔夺得20...
What is your personal method for waking up early?你有什么早起的好方法? 获得14.4k好评的回答@Paulo Knabben:Alright, in order to help people I decided to edit my answer t...
(CNN)Colorado Mesa University is issuing two diplomas for the price of one. The catch? The first one was signed by the chair of CMU's “Coard of Tr...
When she was just his girlfriend, Hailey Baldwin got Justin Bieber to shave off his mustache in early July. Bieber told fans he was going to keep grow...
We all know that the blue light that emits from our smartphones isn't good for our eyes, but a new study has discovered just how much damage it ca...
Coco Pops and KFC have been found guilty of breaking rules designed to prevent firms from promoting junk food to children.可可米和肯德基向儿童投放垃圾食品的广告,违反了相关规定,...
如今,各种电子产品的出现,使得时间碎片化。于是,有些人埋怨没时间去看书、认真学东西......其实,一个人很难做到一天二十四个小时都在读书、看书。学会利用零碎时间,也可以享受悦读时光。不过请记住,悦读的前提是你喜欢读书。Studies serve for delight, for ornament ...