Google is working to reduce gender bias in its Google Translate tool after it was accused of sexism for automatically translating sentences to include...
Russian law intends to prohibit foreign electronic payment services such as Alipay and WeChat to provide services to Russian citizens. If WeChat and A...
What words or phrases drive people crazy? 哪些词或者短语让人们抓狂? 获得4.1k好评的回答@Peter“Free gift“ - a gift is free. Even worse is “free gift with purchase““免费的礼物”—...
之前阿迪达斯的《龙珠》合作款饱受诟病,因为人们觉得那些鞋子太烂了,并没有在里面看到诸如Ultra Boost一类的明星款型。而现在,这一切都被挽回了,因为阿迪达斯和HBO的《权力的游戏》搞了一个合作款。虽然这套系列在好几个月前就开始预热了,声称这些款式的设计源于剧中的几个大家族和主要势力,但我们直到...
Google has revealed what people in the UK have been searching for in 2018.谷歌发布了英国人2018年度热搜。Meghan Markle, who topped the list last year, was knocked o...
Ed Sheeran has announced his support for our AIDSfree appeal as a limited edition T-shirt he designed goes on sale to raise funds.艾德·希兰表示了他对我们AIDSfree...
Jennifer Aniston has said the chances of a Friends revival are slim because “the boys are a little less excited” about the prospects of getting back t...
1.get plowed for【原句】It's getting plowed for an IMAX theatre.(S05E01)【翻译】那块地要推倒来盖巨幕电影院。【场景】导游跟Max她们解释了为什么跟游客说她们的蛋糕店要关门,原来是这里整个地方都要关门,估计要来收购地盘了。【讲解】...
缩写什么的怎么可能一篇文章就讲完呢?今天我们来一起继续学习缩写里的实用口语吧!1. ASAP=as soon as possible尽快这个短语在生活中非常的实用,除了在口语中会使用,在邮件里也是个高频短语。-My toilet is blocked, is there anyway you can...