Sushi summit 寿司峰会
Enhanced Defense Co-operation Agreement 加强防务合作协议
regional tensions 地区紧张局势
US military presence in the Philippines 美军在菲律宾的活动
rotation of U.S. troops, ships and warplanes through the Philippines 美国军队、军舰以及战机在菲律宾轮换部署
maritime disputes 海上争端
four-nation trip to Asia 亚洲四国行
pivot to Asia/ Asia Pivot 重返亚洲
territorial dispute 领土争端
Trans-Pacific Partnership (TTP)跨太平洋伙伴关系协议
US-Japan Treaty of Mutual Co-operation and Security日美安全保障条约
complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization of the DPRK 完全、可验证、不可逆地实现朝鲜无核化
Asia rebalancing strategy 亚洲再平衡战略
not take a position over the South China Sea issue 在南海问题上不选边站队
China's peaceful rise 中国的和平崛起
strategy of containing China 遏制中国战略
peaceful resolution of territorial issues 和平解决领土争端
strategic ambiguity 战略模糊