Have you been to Beijing before?/你以前来过北京吗?A: David, have you been to Beijing before?A: 大卫,你以前来过北京吗?B: Yes, I have. Many times.B: 是的,来过。来过很多次。A: Really...
She's Korean. 她是韩国人。A: Did you watch TV last night? Did you see that singer?A: 你昨晚看电视了吗? 你看到那位歌手了吗?B: At the concert on TV? B: 电视音乐会上的那位?A: Yes, t...
DialogueL=LilyM=MaryL: What do you think of the sports' fans and singer's fan?L: 你如何看待体育迷和歌迷?M: They are all very crazy.M: 他们都很疯狂。L: I think t...
栋铝制タ讼苷隆分赋,奥林匹克精神(Olympic spirit)就是相互了解、友谊、团结和公平竞争的精神。 奥林匹克精神对奥林匹克运动具有十分重要的指导作用。DialogueJ=Jeff A=Annie G=GaoJ: Annie, do you know what is the Olympic S...
I studied maths at university./我在大学里学的数学。Dialogue:A: Did you enjoy your time at university?A: 你在大学里过得快乐吗?B: Yes, it was a good time. I never had enoug...
古希腊奥运会上,有奥林匹克的誓言,参赛选手要向神表白心迹。现代奥运会前五届没有举行宣誓仪式”,奥委会本准备第6届进行,但由于第一次世界大战而未能施行。从1920年第7届开始,运动员的代表进行了正式宣誓”。DialogueA=Annie D=David M=MarkA: Whe...
对即将到来的第29届奥运会的医疗卫生保障工作,我充满无限的信心,相信能够万无一失地完成。”3月14日,北京市卫生局金大鹏在新闻发布会上通报了2008年北京奥运会公共卫生保障工作的进展。(BEIJING, March 14) -- Beijing has elaborated a risk...
It's good to practice speaking. 练习说很有用。A: It's good to practise as much listening and reading as you can in your spare time.A: 在你的业余时间尽可能地多听多读...
I'm looking forward to the Olympic Games in Beijing./我期待着北京奥运会的召开。A: I'm looking forward to the Olympic Games in Beijing.A: 我期待着北京奥运会的召开。B: Wh...
Could you gift-wrap it for me? 你能帮我把礼物包装起来吗?A: You have chosen a beautiful bowl. It's hand-made, traditional lacquer.A: 你选了一只漂亮的碗。这是手工制作的,传统瓷器。B: ...