

分类: 体育英语 

Have you been to Beijing before?/你以前来过北京吗?

A: David, have you been to Beijing before?

A: 大卫,你以前来过北京吗?

B: Yes, I have. Many times.

B: 是的,来过。来过很多次。

A: Really? You must know it quite well.

A: 是吗?你一定非常了解北京。

B: Well, I think this is my sixth visit. I get to know it a little bit more each time.

B: 哦,我想这是第六次来北京了。我一次比一次更了解它。

A: Six tmies! That's a lot. It's nearly your home city!

A: 六次!不少啊。差不多成了你的家乡了!


1. To ask someone if they have done something in the past, you can say: Have you been to Beijing before; Have you seen the Great Wall? 如果问某人在过去是否做过某事,你可以说:Have you been to Beijing before? (你以前去过北京吗?); Have you seen the Great Wall? (你见过长城吗?).

2. You must know it quite well. You can use this expression you must...when you think something for certain, e.g. after a long busy day: You must be tired. 你一定对它非常了解。当你非常确定某事时,你可以用下面这个表达法:You must...(你一定...), 例如:在某人忙碌了一天之后说:You must be tired (你一定累了).

