

分类: 体育英语 
栋铝制タ讼苷隆分赋,奥林匹克精神(Olympic spirit)就是相互了解、友谊、团结和公平竞争的精神。 奥林匹克精神对奥林匹克运动具有十分重要的指导作用。


J=Jeff A=Annie G=Gao

J: Annie, do you know what is the Olympic Spirit?

J: Annie, 你知道什么是奥林匹克精神吗?

A: Is it mutual understanding, friendship, unity and fair play?

A: 是不是相互了解、友谊、团结和公平竞争?

J: Yes, it is. Gao Jie, when did China's professional athletes come into being?

J: 是的,就是那个。高洁,中国职业运动员的产生是什么时候开始的?

G: At the present, there has not been a wording for professional athletes in China. This is because the Chinese modern athletic sports started rather late and the sports clubs are far from mature as the European and American countries.

G: 从目前来看,中国尚未有职业运动员的说法。因为,中国的竞技体育运动起步较晚,体育俱乐部也远没有欧美国家那样成熟。

A: The professional athlete are those who must observe the required rigorous treaty when they sign the contract and serve for the clubs, besides taking a generous sum of annual salary. In fact, although such sports management is beneficial to the promotion of the athletic sports level, its drawback is obvious, too. The outstanding athletes have to bear the annoyance that they are bought without any freedom by the employer.

A: 欧美国家的职业运动员在俱乐部里签约服役,除了拿丰厚的年薪外,还得遵守苛刻的限定条约。实际上,这样的体育经营虽然有利于促进竞技体育水平的提高,但是其弊端也是十分明显的。优秀的运动员不得不忍受老板一次性买断自由的烦恼。

G: Some boxing events and free combat events, which blindly seek economic profit, have already deviated from the sports to a large extent. They seriouly violate the Olympic Spirit.

G: 有些一味追求经济效应的拳击项目,自由搏击项目等,很大程度上已经偏离了体育精神。他们严重违背了奥林匹克精神。

J: Perhaps the deficiency existing in athletic sports can be entirely supplemented from non-athletic events.

J: 也许竞技体育存在的不足,完全可以从非竞技项目中得到补充。

A: Not certain. The negative effects brought by athletic sports is impossibe to get rid of entirely. Look, you! Stimulant, bribery and miscarriage of justice always puzzle the Olympic Spirit all the time.

A: 不一定。竞技体育带来的消极影响不可能彻底摆脱的。你们看!兴奋剂、受贿、误判等,始终困挠着奥林匹克精神。

G: Don't worry. The Sydney Olympics is a watershed. Since its beginning, anti-doping has risen from traditional battle to the battle of biologic engineering.

G: 不用担心了。悉尼奥运会是一个分水岭,从它开始,反兴奋剂已从传统战升级为生物工程战。

A: It is the way. They abused the gold medal, and made the competition unfair.

A: 就应该这样。他们诬蔑了金牌,比赛也变得不公平了。

G: Therefore, someone compares those stimulants as a "cancer", are "underworld" and "the hacker of the sports community".

G: 因此,有人把兴奋剂比喻为“毒瘤”,是“黑社会”,是“体坛黑客”。

A: It can't be more visualized! I hope it can give back pure Olympics to human beings.

A: 再形象不过了!我希望能还给人类纯洁的奥运会

