你真的了解你的所求吗?有目标是好事,但如果方向错了的话,再努力也不能得到你真正想要的。所以,请仔细思考:这真是我想要的吗?2) Evaluate your desire and motivation.认准所求和动力People often think they know what they want...
We all have goals and aspirations. Sometimes we have difficulty knowing where to start. We want that new body, or want to be healthy and have more ene...
Presents ways on how to be resilient during times of problems and adversities. Importance of perseverance; Need for psychological stability; Factors w...
自信心是动力的一部分。相信自己有能力获得自己想要的东西,你才会有动力去付诸行动。7. Believe in Yourself相信自己Being motivated is all about knowing what you want and believing in your ability to ...
当别人犯错或是遇到困难时,我们都知道要安慰他、鼓舞他。但当自己遇到同样的情况时,我们却常常自责、惩罚自己,从而更加打击自己的自信和动力。我们应该学会善待自己,告诉自己暂时的困难没什么大不了,我们一定能战胜并取得最后的成功。6. Practice Kindness善待自己Replace self-cr...
人总是需要成功来激励的。向着目标的每一个成功都会激起你更大的动力继续走下去。所以当你取得每一步微小的成功时,不妨奖励一下自己,同时鼓励自己一定能走向最终的目的地。5. Repeated Success Leads to Increased Motivation!不断成功使动力增加!Helen Kel...
谁都想一步到位,但遗憾的是上帝没有给我们一夜改变事情的魔力,所以我们还是得一步一步来。觉得目标太大、难以实现?你只需把它分解成小的目标、每天行动。坚持下去,你会发现再远的目的地都可以达到。4. Take Action Daily每天行动Your goals need to move from the...
By Dr. Annette Colby, RD, the Official Guide To Energy Healing每个人都有梦想。当你想像梦想实现的时候,一定会感觉很兴奋、很激动吧!这种感觉也有助于你朝着既定的目标迈出成功的步伐。3. Imagine Success想象成功Instead ...
By Dr. Annette Colby, RD, the Official Guide To Energy Healing设定了目标,却总是管不住自己、行动不了?其实关键不是管住自己,而是要兑现自己和目标之间的承诺。2. Manage Agreements管理协定”In busines...
By Dr. Annette Colby, RD, the Official Guide To Energy HealingIt happens to all of us at some stage - you want to achieve change in your life, but jus...