Starting out on the right foot at a new job can be just as tricky as getting one in the door in the first place. Mary Mitchell, corporate trainer and ...
3. Mentors make a real difference. 导师改变你的职业生涯What will change your life? Mentoring. People who have a mentor are more successful than people who don...
Don't jump so fast for that promotion or raise you're about to win. Today's workplace is largely unstable -- people get laid off and job h...
How do we turn our dreams into reality? How do we step outside the circle of influence that constantly directs us? Our minds are so strongly influence...
你该换工作吗?下面这三条可以帮助你确定自己是不是真的有必要换工作。4. No one ever talks to you about the future in a positive way. 从来没人和你积极地谈论未来。Many of us feel we don't get enough...
It's easy to know when you're in the right job, and it's a piece of cake to recognize an awful one. But what about the position that seems...
实现目标的过程常常是漫长的。你需要以往成功的激励,所以不妨为自己打造一本功劳簿。有时太专注于过程会让我们忘记了目标的方向,所以你需要常常提醒自己:我的目的是什么。7) Keep a success journal.写功劳簿”Earlier I mentioned keeping a ca...
一群人奋斗比一个人孤军奋战的感觉要好的多,也更容易达到目标。所以你不妨为自己找个组织。此外,还要克服意识上的恐惧:要知道宇宙间唯一不变的就是变化。5) Seek out support.获取支持。People are social creatures that do better in groups...
确定了目标,却总是不能坚持下去?那是因为你还有犹豫、偷懒的余地。你需要创造一个环境,激发一种对自己的责任感,才能坚定地向着目标努力。4) Make a public commitment to accomplishing your goal.把目标说”出来There is a power...
在通往成功的道路上,我们需要不断获得激励。如果能有一位过来人帮助你,那你将获得超越自我的激励。3) Find inspiration for accomplishing your goal.找到激励The reason that personal trainers are so popular is...