感觉自己的面试很成功吗?如果没有得到工作,面试就不能算成功。而要面试成功、得到工作,你还需要知道的一点就是:招聘人员是怎么看待你的弱点的。5. Failing to close面试如何圆满结尾A job interview is a sales call, and all good salespeo...
你知道面试的真正目的吗?也许你曾纳闷过,你的简历招聘人员已经看过了,他们也对你电话面试过了,所有的证明材料他们也都检查过了,为什么还要你在面试的时候再重复一遍呢?其实面试的真正目的不过是要看看你是否讨他们喜欢。这也是人们在面试中常常失策的地方。2. Misunderstanding the poin...
We spend so much of our careers doing good work, meeting interesting people, and learning new skills. But it really all starts with one moment: the in...
害怕向别人推销自己?如果你永远把自己藏起来,那你一辈子也别想有什么成果了。你一定要克服对这件事的恐惧,才能逐步在事业上取得成功。6: I know I need to promote myself more at work but I dislike marketing myself.我知道我需要在...
在众人面前表达自己的观点,尤其是和大家不同的观点,是件很难的事。你可以一步一步地练习,来克服这个障碍。5: It is tough for me to speak up and share my opinions, especially if they are somewhat controvers...
因为怕麻烦别人或是惹人生气,而不敢去委派工作?这种担心其实是错的。教给别人一项工作去做其实是表示了你对他/她能力的认可。4: Delegating is not my strong suit, and I frequently do more than my share of the work.委派...
担心自己表示不同意见会被别人认为是好斗?其实是你担心过头了。只要你是礼貌的方式,就不必要担心这个。要记住,人们是以你一贯的处事之道来解读你的,而不是仅凭一次不同意见。3: Because I am nervous about appearing aggressive I may be too pas...
不敢说不”是缺乏主张的典型特征。那么,应该如何说不”呢?2: It is difficult for me to say no and I often end up taking on tasks that I don’t want.对我来说,说不”是...
在上一篇文章中我们谈到如何测定自己在工作中是否缺乏主张。我们从六个方面来剖析这个问题。现在我们来看看对第一个问题的解决办法:1: I have a hard time disagreeing with people whose views I think are wrong.对于认为持错误观点的人难...
Job burnout is as much about your dreams as it is about your work, because burnout is the gap between your expectations and your ability to meet them....